Island Of Misfits

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geebus ribs, when you told me you had a bad spill on the scooter I never thought it was that bad...growing indoors has got to be killing you bro, hope things mend up sooner than later...a double broken rib hurts just thinking about it...such a shame about your son. they won't listen just like us when we were coming up...stick around like pute mentioned, you have friends here... ;)
The ribs are slowly healing my friend and i`m back to sleeping in my bed again....been in the Lazy Boy for the last few weeks just sitting there staring threw my window at the stars at night....being a side sleeper sleep didn`t come easy...the Doc at the hospital didn`t even look at my leg until a week after the accident so now I`m on blood thinners trying to ward off a blood clot in my leg...I sent them pics of it and they sent me an can walk on it now as the swelling has most gone down...I`m .to old for this shit as i used to heal pretty quickly,.., another life lesson learned the hard way....take care n stay safe.
Propped up in the fart sack, watching the tube, trying to work through my food coma. Nice visit with the outlaws and inlaws. Brother's youngest daughter's kids were great like usual. His oldest daughter's adopted kids were a different story. Oldest boy had a sinus infection and didn't want to be there, the younger girl was a little darling, and the youngest boy was acting pretty much feral. No skin off my fanny. I enjoyed talking to my brother and his oldest daughter's dad in law. Dude is kool. I hope if and when the Pullet gets hitched, her inlaws are as cool.
Here,s the horse that threw me...1to1power to weight ratio, which is the same as Lambo!...take care n stay safe.
Hey Reibsi, good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your Son. That's Awful. I can't even imagine that.
Your injuries, YIKES man, you gotta be careful. Honestly, I rode street bikes for years, and the one time I tried out an off road bike like that I fucked my self up twice on the same outing and have never gotten on one since. lol
Gary Larsen is a genius....

Indeed! One of the best, if not the best at abstract and droll humor.

Were coming up on 20 years. I think You're probably right Hopper.🤣

She is my best friend,,,about the easiest way I can explain it. She puts up with my shit and deals it right back.😂😂😂
We are 30+ years too also best friends and tolerant of each others downside. It helps to have someone who speaks the truth when they see the other going towards the deep end…

After two divorces, marrying my best friend is the only way it worked for me. We cut friends slack that we don't typically afford lovers.

We've been married 38 years, but were friends and lovers for 12 years before that, too afraid to get married again. She finally purposed to me on Sadie Hawkins day or we would still just be living together.

We've made it one day at a time, because I wouldn't be with someone I didn't respect, and that means the right to bow her neck and get in my face sometimes, as well as me to be furious at her at a given moment.

It is the total experience that makes a package deal worthwhile, not eternal bliss every waking moment.

I keep reminding myself that if I had ever found the perfect woman, a perfect woman would be smart enough to be seeking Mr. Perfect.

Goooode mawning islanders! 55F @ 82% RH, partially cloudy, and predicted to reach 69F rat cheer. Looks like a week of gaugus sunshine to follow!!

A nice long Father's Day chat on the phone with my daughter who lives in Texas and is now helping support her stepfather in addition to her own household with her husband recovering from an industrial accident that damaged his knee, followed and exacerbated by a bike crash breaking a leg. She is fortunate to make a decent wage in the oil industry as an IT PM, but not enough to support two households.

Hee, hee, hee, tomorrow is the first day of summer and I notice that our temperature is predicted to jump to 76F, be clear blue skies by Thursday, and be at 92F by Sunday!! Right on schedule which is unusual for here, as our first blue skies weather typically starts July 5th.
Here,s the horse that threw me...1to1power to weight ratio, which is the same as Lambo!...take care n stay safe.View attachment 300845
Kool! I got all the torture I could stand riding a Honda 500S single offroad, and crashed more times than I ever did on my road bike, but fortunately suffered nothing worse than a bad burn from the exhaust once.

On the other hand I was chasing the best rider I know across a clear cut at speeds terrifying to me and saw him suddenly go end over teacup, when a limb fell through his front spokes. He wasn't seriously hurt, but could have just as easily been killed, and it was a sign to me how fast things can turn on you.
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