Doesn't look as deep on the left, does it?
I've got a Red Ryder with a scope. I pop them in the ass and they bark, jump, and haul ass. Think they know that if I don't get them my crazy ass dog will tear their ass up. He has caught several and it doesn't go well for them. I have to make him let them go before he kills them. I've seen that crazy ass dog jump almost six feet to the top of my fence trying to knock them off of it. Now believe it or not they hardly ever get in my yard.
Don't know if it's because of the BB in the ass or the crazy fking dog.

My guess is both.............
Gooode morning misfit sisters and brothers. Yet another gorgeous rainy day in Paradise today. Starting at 58F @ 95% RH, and predicted to reach 64F.
The candied orange peel turned out well and made a nice garnish for the Creme Brule. Lots left over from two oranges for other taste experiments.
Hee, hee, hee, snicker, snark, snort! The cleaning ladies had just left, so the house sparkled when Graywolf and her girlfriend arrived back from the Ashland Shakespearian Festival, and I gave her girlfriend just enough Creme Brule and candied orange peel for one, to take home with her and start her wondering what her hubby did special for her while she was gone.
Knowing him as I do, I'm guessing the house is a mess, the pooches haven't been exercised or cleaned up after in the yard, he spent all his time out with the boys, and he is an arrogant lad, who creamed me at 8 ball last time, so he deserves a little heat.
I didn't make it to pick up the gate materials because I couldn't find my roll of parachute cord to strap it to the Jeeps roof rack and it was raining most of the day, so I didn't want to drive with lumber sticking out windows or tail gate. I'll take another run at that today.