^^^^ Almost looks like Boos pic of he penis he posted LOL^^^^
Sorry GW , I too was beaten as a child (really) My Mom would grab anything she could in reaching distance (plates fishing poles broom handle) no wonder we are all so screwy. I wonder what they did to hopper ?
Morning Misfits. I am not a cold Pizza fan. I was abused as a child....that is why I never touched my daughter...there are other ways to discipline a child.
My mom was crazy abusive too. Maybe it came from her raising idk but I couldnt wait to leave the house and vowed as a little girl to never treat my kids like that.
Me, too. My daughter was a good kid. I never had to raise a hand to her. I always took the time to tell her what she'd done wrong, why it wasn't acceptable, and reassured to her that she was still loved, no matter what.Morning Misfits. I am not a cold Pizza fan.
I was abused as a child....that is why I never touched my daughter...there are other ways to discipline a child.
Hot, windy and dry here today. Snow tomorrow.
Dang Brother almost the same story here.Always "the belt" with me and my three sisters. If one of us did something covert and wouldn't own up to it, we were all beaten in rotation until one of us did own up to it. Not necessarily the guilty party. If we weren't near "the belt", we were told what was coming and waited until we got home.
We once hid "the belt" and Mom found another one that hurt worse, so we found the old one.
My mother was abused growing up as well and while my father wasn't particularly, they both grew up in tough times during the Great Depression and suriving WW2, which left them both mentally and physically scarred.
Dad's mother was the disciplinarian growing up and his dad was ultra-busy trying to support his family so not available for nurturing, so Dad let Mom beat us and was just mentally abusive until he went off the deep end, exacerbated by this PTSD from WW-2.
We are the sum total of our past existences. By the standards of the day my parents were super "strict", but by todays standards we would be taken away from them and they may been locked up.
I thought it was the ww2 Sherman the tracks hurtNone of us had it as bad as Walt. Remember when his dad would run over his legs with the Buick 'cause he didn't do his chores?![]()
Me, too. My daughter was a good kid. I never had to raise a hand to her. I always took the time to tell her what she'd done wrong, why it wasn't acceptable, and reassured to her that she was still loved, no matter what.
My folks were born during the Great Depression. Mom's family had seven kids, and Pappy's had five. Times were hard. You didn't have time to reason with a misbehaving child; you beat them. Quick, simple, and effective.
Got most of my beatings from Mom, but the Old Man's were the ones that brought blood and bruises. Some I had coming. Some I didn't. I can't imagine what a three year old boy could do to warrant his bare legs being striped with a leather belt, but it happened.
It stopped with me. I remember one time that, as a teenager, I would sleep the sleep of the dead. Mom apparently tried to wake me up for school. The Old Man pulled the covers back and had three lashes with that damned belt across my back before I woke up and realized what was happening. Had to soak my shirt off in the shower after I got to school when I went to dress for Phys Ed 'cause it had stuck to my wounds.
Fast forward 35 years. My daughter is in the same mode. Old Hen had repeatedly tried to wake her up. Me, being the mean old bastard I am, went into the bathroom, got a washcloth, ran warm water on it, and gently washed her pretty little face, all the time talking baby talk to my precious teenage little girl.
Same results. Kid's awake. No pain. No hurt feelings. No blood. No frowns, just smiles.![]()
I thought it was the ww2 Sherman the tracks hurt
OK would have been this oneHee, hee, hee, I did a similar thing in a Paris bar to wake a fellow American passed out at the bar and unresponsive to the bar tender. I placed a ice cold towel at the base of his neck and he was awake almost immediately.
I thought he fought in the Spanish American and WW-1 wars???