Island Of Misfits

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Thanx big. I’ll put that on my list as now I’m in a hurry for it. Hurry up and wait for sure. I got 25 gallon pots for the two on the porch and plan to sink the tall ones in the ground. One is that Josie seed you gifted me. It got almost three feet tall before I could top it at the fifth node. It’s finally starting to fill out now. Her stalk is much bigger than the others too with same light experience. I’m hoping she is a good outdoor candidate if I can keep the critters away from her.
I always found the biggest strongest in the beginning turned out to be male
That is how my luck goes..................
my pleasure Amigo

yeah , over the years I have seen the tenacity and endurance this plant has outdoors…I’ve seen plants pop up and grow in a crack in the sidewalk , seen male plants make flowers and pollinate itself to preserve its species , seen them get run over by tractors , blown over by tornados , and get snowed on and still survive

cannabis has the genetics to adapt and survive under the most brutal conditions…..heck , even some that I roto-tilled last week are still alive so I’ll have to pull them up by hand

good luck on your crop this year!