Island Of Misfits

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One Springfield M2A1 Super Match and one Winchester Girand through DCM. The M-14 demonstrates that the Girand design isn't heavy enough to hit anything full auto. The Girand weighs 9.5 lbs and the Browning Automatic Rifle designed to shoot fully automatic in 30:06 weighs 19.5 lbs.
Good info alla way down the line. True dat. Frankly, my AK-47, if fired belt-loop style... cannot hit a shooting backstop with it.
How 'bout toothpaste? Shaving soap? :eek: 🙃
No but i have memories of finding peppers on a "moho ?" in Meat Farms , A moho? cart is where they put vegetables and fruit that are not gonna last any longer. (perfect if you are cooking a lot and sooner than later ) .I had cleaned and cut up the peppers for the freezer. Made the untimely mistake of making pee pee. 10 minutes later I realized my mistake . The swelling was multidirectional as opposed to going in a north bound direction . . I touch 110 volts with my fingers have been for 45 years ,Rather touch my swantz with 110 than peppers !
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Good info alla way down the line. True dat. Frankly, my AK-47, if fired belt-loop style... cannot hit a shooting backstop with it.
I wired a printing machine in NC where we had wired and unwired it They moved it to NC. During that time I visited some gun ranges . A man had a automatic and he let me shoot it . I had given him 9mm i had to replace what i shot .You cant carry what a auto could shoot with out a truck ! Tv is such bs .I fired that auto 30 rds in almost less time than it took me to type "I fired that auto "
That is the hoot about full auto. Brap, brap, brap............. You are out of ammo. You spend most of your time loading magazines,

I had a Mac 9 that cycled at 1200 rounds a minute, which is 20 rounds a second. Made to hose a room, not for accuracy. With a 32 round magazine, that is 1.6 second burst.
That is the hoot about full auto. Brap, brap, brap............. You are out of ammo. You spend most of your time loading magazines,

I had a Mac 9 that cycled at 1200 rounds a minute, which is 20 rounds a second. Made to hose a room, not for accuracy. With a 32 round magazine, that is 1.6 second burst.
The only time you get a nice longer Brap is when they are using a warthog for what she does best ..
That is the hoot about full auto. Brap, brap, brap............. You are out of ammo. You spend most of your time loading magazines,

I had a Mac 9 that cycled at 1200 rounds a minute, which is 20 rounds a second. Made to hose a room, not for accuracy. With a 32 round magazine, that is 1.6 second burst.

brap brag brap , not to be confused with Otis Reddings fa fa fa fa fa, fa fa fa

That is the hoot about full auto. Brap, brap, brap............. You are out of ammo. You spend most of your time loading magazines,

I had a Mac 9 that cycled at 1200 rounds a minute, which is 20 rounds a second. Made to hose a room, not for accuracy. With a 32 round magazine, that is 1.6 second burst.
Old me would have posted this and said Machinegun fire

Use to enjoy snake hunting with my son when he was young. We take them home for a day or two then we would let them go.
Really is something what Moms will do for and with their kids. My SIL is a very elegant ,sweet,professor who was not the camping type at all .When my nephews were going camping with my Brother ,She insisted on going only because I think She was afraid my Brother would lose one of them ...
I wired a printing machine in NC where we had wired and unwired it They moved it to NC. During that time I visited some gun ranges . A man had a automatic and he let me shoot it . I had given him 9mm i had to replace what i shot .You cant carry what a auto could shoot with out a truck ! Tv is such ** .I fired that auto 30 rds in almost less time than it took me to type "I fired that auto "

And most likely sprayed the target. The 4" Mac 9 put the rounds about an inch apart climbing vertically one handed

I picked up a 16" carbine barrel for it and still couldn't hit squat on full auto. With both the recoil and the heavy bolt cycling, it is just a hose.

36F @ 97% RH, partially cloudy, and predicted to reach 55F here in River City.

Working on clearing out my storage garage today, to give the installers room to install a new 18' steel door to replace the wooden one. Another run to Metro Hazardous Waste Disposal for the rest of the paint and misc chemicals and I'm working at disposal of the treasures stored there.

Anybody need a Doug Nash OD unit for a Ford C-6 transmission?
I had a deposit on an Atchison 12 gauge full auto that never made it to production. I owned a USAS-12 semi with 20 round drum that also came in full and would accept a drop in sear. Same action design as an AR-15/M-16 and heavy. They later changed the semi's status to a destructive device and I had to get a stamp.
There was also an article floating around on how to make an auto sear for a Remington 1100. That would be interesting trying to hold down.

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