Island Of Misfits

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@GW, how many rentals do you still have....pains me just to think about it. Sold my condo rentals 5 years ago and my cabin 3 years ago. Glad to! Hard enough keeping my own shit wired tight.

Two duplexes which I put in pristine shape my first two years of retirement, so minimal maintenance has been required.

Morning Islandes yesterday was a bummer. When I make an appointment, I have my computer calendar up so I can enter my date and time for my Doctor appointment right away. Well, I went to my 1st appointment and they told me my appointment was in the morning for 9 am. I don't make a morning appointment just afternoon. It was for 1 pm. They try to tell me they were right. I know better cause I enter 1 pm. So, I went to my next appointment and they told me I wasn't on the list for that day. That made me mad. So mad that I forgot to go to the store before going home. Bummer.

Good luck my dear! Mine got complicated enough that I started a spread sheet to keep them straightened out.

Finally my SIL and daughter are coming by tonight for dinner and to help me hook up my new computer. And on top of all that I threw my back out yesterday so I am hobbling around in pain.....I see a visit to the chiropractor. I just want to sit a bit.....

And then the magic happens! Have fun with your new computer and good luck with your back. Mine is no better or worse after two weeks of PT but vee vil zee............................

50F @ 94% RH, raining and predicted to hit 54F.

Got a 35 gallon load of paint dropped off at Metro hazardous material site and got my first bid for a garage door replacement at one of the rentals. The bid includes an automatic opener, which means I have to run electrical to the garage to support it. Fortunately I left a ground faulted future when I wired the duplex, so I just have a short run of conduit to a weather tight box directly across from the garage on the duplex.

The temperature has been low, or it has been raining, so the painters haven't shown up to paint that same rental and I've designed the new window boxes for it but haven't picked up the material or built them. The window boxes go on the front windows and the renters haven't been using them, but that duplex is located in a historical-zone, and I can't change the design without a permit and review by the city, as well as a survey of the other owners in the historical zone to see if they object.

I am changing the design so that it isn't filled with dirt but has supports for pots instead, though they can't see it without close examination, nor can they prove the design was changed. Even with treated wood, a box of dirt in the rain is an invitation to rot.

My neighbor at the other duplex got their fallen tree removed from the outside patio cover so I need to go over there with a come along and a hammer to return it to plumb again. This is the second time one of their trees have fallen on my side, the last time bending up the top rail of the slatted cyclone fence, but not bad enough to replace it.
Taking up yoga , I almost hurt myself before I started ...
Me too... how anyone can look at this president and not see the cussing old man from that ventriliquist is beyond me
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Brother ive said for along time. Ive watched Dunham many times and now when i see this puppet i laugh my ass off.

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