when she was younger I like Betty Davis's thighs ..She has Betty Davis Eyes
when she was younger I like Betty Davis's thighs ..She has Betty Davis Eyes
The peaks in the foreground sure look familiar,Wanted to show you boys parts of beautiful Long Island and their beaches . View attachment 288903 This is a picture at West Meadow in Setauket ..
MADRE MIA ...View attachment 288919 Give her five minutes she is still getting ready ...
thanks bud
yeah , the nearest dentist is 60 miles away one way
the feckers want 3-400 bucks to pull a freaking tooth!…***!
that is more pain to me than the actual toothache
thanks bud yeah , the nearest dentist is 60 miles away one way the feckers want 3-400 bucks to pull a freaking tooth!…***! that is more pain to me than the actual toothache
Other than maybe the bull headed clap............Big just be careful bro. Nothing fking hurts worse than a DRY SOCKET.
Please NO ! " Some times the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few " Spock ..A lot of people count on your boldness ,braveness and beauty not just this group ....I rest my case! That illustrates exactly what I was saying about why I stopped wearing that type dress in drag. Not only does it dig into the crack of my ass, but finely details my package in front, even when I'm not glad to see someone.
Yeah, that's what my sister said.Please NO ! " Some times the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few " Spock ..A lot of people count on your boldness ,braveness and beauty not just this group ....
You guys keep your 40 virgins. Give me a gal that knows what she's doin' and enjoys doin' it.Joe In your case there will be these 40 virgins waiting for you
View attachment 288913
Your heart will suffer tooIf it is aching, it is most likely infected, which would be my greatest concern. Those same bacteria cause all sorts of other bad things in our bodies.
IDK Definitely not 40 But if you have a comfortable way in life, and you know how to be its so sweet as I recall...You guys keep your 40 virgins. Give me a gal that knows what she's doin' and enjoys doin' it.
smart girl ...Yeah, that's what my sister said.
Big i get the money thing brother but that infection can also cause heart problems. Its nothing to mess with bro.
Gargling with salted hot water will pull a infection especially if you stand on your head ...oh I got the money , now if they would only accept Bitcoin
Swede got out the essential oil of cloves and I swabbed the tooth pretty good and it’s like instant relief
i also wash the tooth with hydrogen peroxide and rinse with full strength listerine..
I think it was yesterday that I messed around and ate some dark chocolate and got some sugar on it and forgot to clean and brush
i made a video of the last time I pulled one of my molars , about a year ago…I should post it lol
Check your prostate that may help....thanks for the concern ya all
yeah , it is a lower molar and yes it is infected , just breathing air if it hits the tooth it hurts…don’t even mention cool,or cold water…..also have an earache on the same side as the tooth..I use a couple drops of sweet oil and a cotton ball for relief..
but I have been down this road before
yes I keep it clean , and I crush up some cloves and mix in some coconut oil and make a paste and slap some on the tooth..it helps for sure , I just didn’t do it last night and I payed for it
i am NOT going to pay them thieving bass turds 300 to pull a tooth which will take 10 seconds
so yeah , I am a stubborn old bass turd who is dumb and refuses to be ripped off , it’s the principle of it all…..
for example . I remember going to a dentist to have a bad tooth pulled when I was 17 and it only cost $10 bucks!
feck ‘em
February is national prostate month ! Great time to get it checked ! Not so so sure it actually is February ,so I get it checked in March too ....Check your prostate that may help....