Oh Dear.
Winter arrived at the Chateau sometime during the night. My Scottish Witch was sooper-snuggling (which is wonderful, BTW) but she wouldn't stay still since there ain't two of me to keep both sides warm.
Got up at 2:00AM, and looked at the A/C setting. Yup. It was at our standard minimum 78F. Which means, of course, that since the INSIDE... OMIGAWD TEMPERATURE WAS 68F, I wuz freezin'.
Curdled my sperm.
So I turned the system to "Heat", pulled up a humongumous quilt Herself had quilted, and buried both of us. Got back up at my usual 5:00AM, and the house temp was a not cozy 70F.
Here I sits, in my writin' chair with a blankie over me while Herself gets some sooper warm extra nonnie-nonnie.
I'm cold. Just checked: outside is mid-50's. Brutal.