Island Of Misfits

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Business man stabbed by squatter, Homeless extreme bad guys, and it sounds like most sane people should be issued an AR there, not have them taken away. Because the homeless wont sleep on benches? What is it like a bed of nails? Why wouldn't they? Maybe they are offset somehow. Wouldn't the trash haulers get paid the same amount based on number of pickups? - Holy Shizz...
Where I live the park benches have "arm rests" at each end, and 2 in the middle so none can lay down on them.

Business man stabbed by squatter, Homeless extreme bad guys, and it sounds like most sane people should be issued an AR there, not have them taken away. Because the homeless wont sleep on benches? What is it like a bed of nails? Why wouldn't they? Maybe they are offset somehow. Wouldn't the trash haulers get paid the same amount based on number of pickups? - Holy Shizz...

Our far left lawmakers are still convinced that love and kindness overcomes all and you can pick up a stool by the clean end.

Where I live the park benches have "arm rests" at each end, and 2 in the middle so none can lay down on them. Bubba

Same here but they don't prevent people from pitching tents alongside them.

45F @ 87% RH, cloudy, and predicted to reach 47F.

Oregon lawmakers and public official stir the pot by reacting with dismay and negative comments about the Rittenhouse verdict and of course Portland had another riot following the verdict. All dressed in black with covered faces attacking the Justice Center. They also attacked the news crew filming it and damaged their camera.

Oregon hiring more drug enforcement agencies to address the sharp uptick in illegal marijuana grows by crime syndicates but so far in denial that the greatest driver of our current homeless crisis, with attendant property crimes is Meth addiction arriving from Mexico by the ton.

Still hobbling around and doing my stretching exercises to recover use of my left knee following surgery. Starting to make good progress and can now lift it when lying prone and achieve greater than 90 degrees bend.

Breakfast out this morning with Graywolf and friends at the Cadillac Café and then back to the stretching and reading.
I just thought of where I had first seen them: LIFE Magazine.
Not sure if it was the same mag, but I remember seeing something about housing for the homeless in either NY or CA. They made 'em outta fiberglass and were made in a way that a small candle could keep them heated during the winter. Only problem was condensation from combustion and respiration. Must not have been a money maker, 'cause it dropped like a lead fart.
Still hobbling around and doing my stretching exercises to recover use of my left knee following surgery. Starting to make good progress and can now lift it when lying prone and achieve greater than 90 degrees bend.

90 degrees bend, that's fantastic. Out in about, great job. 🌟 Enjoy your day.
Here's Tiki's last little present to me. Cute, ain't it?

Tiki egg.jpg
Here's Tiki's last little present to me. Cute, ain't it?

View attachment 282658

From someone who loves you enough to give you her very best!

35F @ 100% RH, partially cloudy, and predicted to reach 49F.

Yet another destructive riot downtown last night, which was strongly condemned by Portland officials and one arrest was made over an open warrant.

500,000-pound illegal marijuana grow busted.

Progress on stretching out my knee and I was able to walk a block without walker or crutches with Grayfox handling the leash for Miss Layla. Switching from the walker and crutches to the cane this morning for around the house.
heal up gray, stretch them muscles...took elvis for a nice drive along the lake, a pleasure to cruise in...some cars don't give you the confidence that you will make it home for one reason or the other...this car would easily make it across the country, it's that hot rodding this gem...
Afternoon Misfits. Glad your knee is coming along GW. Denver is getting almost as bad as Portland....well not quite yet. But, shootings every night here now days.

Just finished more outside yard work. Now everything is getting a much needed drink. Mother Nature isn't doing her job so I gotta do it.

Gonna sit down and watch KC and Dallas in about an hour. Hope it's a good game and lots of KC players are carried off the field. Don't get me wrong.....nothing bad just a broken neck and lots of season ending leg injuries. Maybe when they play Denver it won't be as bad of a slaughter.

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