Man oh Man @WeedHopper is a Mean one
Man oh Man @WeedHopper is a Mean one
Believe me the cops that are assigned to yout territory/beat probably know you. I know they recognize my truck. It is their business to know their turf. That is why I always waive and treat them with respect.
What wuz the movie???That was a funny ass movie. Laughed till i hurted.
Raising Arizona was the MovieWhat wuz the movie???
This is what happens when you tell your wife she is planting to many Squash seeds and she doesn't listen.
Hope you have TV in every roomAlready been in the 40's here several times. 53 today and sunup.
Been a hectic morning. One of those days where bad shit reaches up and bites you. PH tester batteries went dead. Had to go to the store to get some. Then my fricken phone flickered and the screen is all distorted. Getting ready to head out to the phone store to get this straightened out. Some how I have managed to do my due diligence in the grow.
College football tonight. Both local teams are playing. Amazing.....both at the same fricken time. The whole labor day weekend and the powers to be scheduled the games not only on the same day but the same time.
Off to the phone store.
I remember being a wee lad and Dad brought home 1st TV Oh course I had to save winky dink by drawing a bridge on screen. But I did not have the screen clear cover that you were suppose to draw on. My butt was sore for weeks
Always seems to have a calming effect on most idiots when they see the big meat wagons move in, refrig trucks not for holding foodNo riots or mass shootings, but bringing in mortuary trucks to store all the dead Covid bodies in.