Island Of Misfits

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Sorry @patwi
Man oh Man @WeedHopper is a Mean one
Afternoon Misfits. I know lots here think of squirrels as tree rats. I used to think of them as food. But, old age changes things and you are much easier amused. Here is one of my little buddies that comes by every day fro a snack.


I have a feeling that this little guy is gonna have a good winter as long as he stops buy I will feed him.
Heard the dogs going off a few minutes ago, and the Old Hen comes down the hall and tells me we've got a Sherriff deputy walking up the driveway. I slide on my slippers and go out to meet him. Couldn't/wouldn't let him inside 'cause the dog would have ate him/I know better than to do it.
I walk out and ask him if I can help him. He says a dog got clipped on the Xway ramp and they think he was heading my way via the back fields. I told him I doubt it could get across the creek if it was hurt, but told him he was welcome to go back and check. Told him he could drive back there, but he chose to walk.
He makes it to the hill, and here comes another deputy. He checks the first guy's car and heads up the driveway. I go out and tell him where his buddy went and that he was more than welcome to drive back, but he chose to walk, too. Can't blame 'em; I imagine a leisurely walk is refreshing after sitting in a curser all day.
He no sooner is out of site when a third deputy, a paramedic, pulls up. He makes it half way down the driveway, so I point out back and tell him, "They went that a way". He doesn't make it fifty feet before the other two come back. Never did find the dog. I'll guarantee the 'yotes will.
Could have been an asshole and told 'em no, but why would I? I'd hope if it was my dog hurt that they'd do the same for me. All three of 'em were nice guys. I think the first one that came up was the one I gave the BLM flag to at the sub station.
Believe me the cops that are assigned to yout territory/beat probably know you. I know they recognize my truck. It is their business to know their turf. That is why I always waive and treat them with respect.

I try .. We've noticed 5-0 lays low around here during sunlight hours.

Last year an ambulance responded for my wife's call and a constable deputy accompanied it .. His name is Beaver. As they were loading my wife in the amby I turned back towards my house and saw Beaver with his pin light staring at an OG Kush volunteer that was in the yard . I yelled "Beaver you coming" ..

Yaknow a lot of cops smoke these days and even the past few decades and have told me they would not pop peeps for just pot unless a higher up was with them putting them in a pressured situation..
This is what happens when you tell your wife she is planting to many Squash seeds and she doesn't listen.

Soon you will be leaving them on doorsteps, ringing the doorbell, and running...........................

61F @ 64% RH, purdy, and predicted to reach 80F with good air quality.

No riots or mass shootings in Portland yesterday.

I met with my second opinion specialist on my knee and he says my plastic pad has worn out and it is the bits and pieces that are causing the problem. He is scheduling another replacement........................

Dinner out at Salty's on the bank of the Columbia last night with Grayfox and NM. A gorgeous evening with a nice breeze, delightful food, and good company. I'm having trouble eating with gums full of stitches and only one snap holding on my implant plate, so stuck to shrimp, scallops, and clam chowder.
Ya got me droolin' at the clam chowder. Been a few months since I've made some.
54 degrees when I woke up this morning. What? This is the first week of September, for Christ's sake! Makes me think it's going to be an early fall and a hard winter.
Already been in the 40's here several times. 53 today and sunup.

Been a hectic morning. One of those days where bad shit reaches up and bites you. PH tester batteries went dead. Had to go to the store to get some. Then my fricken phone flickered and the screen is all distorted. Getting ready to head out to the phone store to get this straightened out. Some how I have managed to do my due diligence in the grow.

College football tonight. Both local teams are playing. Amazing.....both at the same fricken time. The whole labor day weekend and the powers to be scheduled the games not only on the same day but the same time.

Off to the phone store.
Already been in the 40's here several times. 53 today and sunup.

Been a hectic morning. One of those days where bad shit reaches up and bites you. PH tester batteries went dead. Had to go to the store to get some. Then my fricken phone flickered and the screen is all distorted. Getting ready to head out to the phone store to get this straightened out. Some how I have managed to do my due diligence in the grow.

College football tonight. Both local teams are playing. Amazing.....both at the same fricken time. The whole labor day weekend and the powers to be scheduled the games not only on the same day but the same time.

Off to the phone store.
Hope you have TV in every room
I remember being a wee lad and Dad brought home 1st TV Oh course I had to save winky dink by drawing a bridge on screen. But I did not have the screen clear cover that you were suppose to draw on. My butt was sore for weeks

The first TV in our town was a 5" tube that was in a console record player, radio. The second was a 13" Motorola, purchased by an old couple down the block, and purchased from them used by my dad about 1950. Very few channels and not much selection.

59F @ 85% RH, and predicted to reach 73F, with moderate air quality.

No riots or mass shootings, but bringing in mortuary trucks to store all the dead Covid bodies in.

A day of puttering and trying to eat with only one implant detent holding my upper plate and my gums swollen and full of stitches on the other side, so it doesn't fit. My latest weight loss plan.............

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