Island Of Misfits

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H1-B and J-1 are just two of the U.S. work visas that Jeff Bezos's Amazon is using to hire their DELIVERY DRIVERS. Just try to engage one of these drivers and you will detect a Caribbean or Nigerian accent . They barely know how to speak the English language let alone read it. I had an interaction with one of these ' drivers ' and he said the computer onboard tells them where to go and where to deliver, no knowledge needed . No turn signals, going the wrong way against traffic, and have been told not to interact with the public. I suppose so that Bezos secret does not make the public view .. We try our best to never use Amazon .. but, the devil is in the works

Wanna bet Jeff voted no on the border wall and donated funds to fight it?

I hate to admit it but I use Amazon a lot. So fricken easy. I am ashamed of myself. But, if I need something, (anything) it is done in seconds. How about some competition.

I would rather have what I want in my hand when I want it, but use Amazon a lot because local store inventories and selections continue to shrink. In some cases I can still get the part I need, but so far out that it's an hours drive in traffic reaching it and getting home. This is the first time Amazon delivery was a problem, though I used to get packages stolen off our porch until I rented a UPS store mailbox. How !@#$#% hard is it to plan so as to not reach a regular delivery UPS store an hour and a half after they close twice in a row?

that was a sunrise shot and here is a sunset shot....lots of smoke from Colorado fires

We've had some red flaming sunrises, but the smoke is still far enough east of us that our air quality remains good, while our forest fires blanket as far away as the east coast.

71F @ 55% RH, 5 mph wind and predicted to reach 101F. Excessive heat advisory, but air quality still good.

Three shot locally in shoot out, two died. Weather headed for triple digits and Covid has our hospitals at capacity.

I ran a 50% mixture of Everclear and water through my refluxing column and ended up with 185 proof after it cooled down. I need to find a vacuum leak before my next run.

My underground cable tester arrived, so I will be looking for my missing sprinkler valve and water leak this morning.

Another day of gamesmanship on Future4200 by a small cabal attempting a palace coup. A small group that wants to be in charge and willing to cheat and disrupt to achieve that end. They not only posted disruptive content and personal attacks, they flagged threads until the were automatically temporarily closed and even hacked in and changed the name of one of my threads. The guys with the "better answer" showing us how it should be done.
I use Amazon all the damn time. Nobody is going to Boycott the mother fker so what's a handful of ppl going to do? If i didn't use products that were made or sold by assholes in this world i wouldnt be able to live my life or do shit. Hell i wouldn't be able to buy gas or food. I'm no tree hugger and I'm not doing without because rich ppl can be a.ssholes. I've come to the conclusion nobody is going to do shit about shit so why waste my fking time.
My underground cable tester arrived, so I will be looking for my missing sprinkler valve and water leak this morning. About friggin time I hope it works and you find it

Kisses, kudos, and accolades to you brother for the suggestion.

Exactly my sentiments and I found the fucking vault, which actually had three valves connected to the same wire in it and had water in it after I opened the isolation valve. Triple digits today, sooo I will dig out the vault and surrounding connections tomorrow morning when it is cooler.

The underground cable system detector mostly sucks and per their manual, takes 80% skill and patience and 20% science and theory.

I couldn't find the !@#$%^ vault with the finder, but did discover that the wiring and piping took a different route than I thought and after giving up and starting digging again in the new area, I found the vault about six inches down.
Kisses, kudos, and accolades to you brother for the suggestion.

Exactly my sentiments and I found the ******* vault, which actually had three valves connected to the same wire in it and had water in it after I opened the isolation valve. Triple digits today, sooo I will dig out the vault and surrounding connections tomorrow morning when it is cooler.

The underground cable system detector mostly sucks and per their manual, takes 80% skill and patience and 20% science and theory.

I couldn't find the !@#$%^ vault with the finder, but did discover that the wiring and piping took a different route than I thought and after giving up and starting digging again in the new area, I found the vault about six inches down.
Now send that POS back for a refund defective............
15:30, yet it looks like 21:30. Got rained off again, but I got most of my stuff done before the deluge.

Woke up this morning one goose shy of my pair. Had the girls since '08. Made great guard critters. Trying to think of how I can poison the 'yotes without killing my dogs. Something slow and painful seems proper. I feel more sorry for the one left than I do the one that was eaten. She seems lost.
15:30, yet it looks like 21:30. Got rained off again, but I got most of my stuff done before the deluge.

Woke up this morning one goose shy of my pair. Had the girls since '08. Made great guard critters. Trying to think of how I can poison the 'yotes without killing my dogs. Something slow and painful seems proper. I feel more sorry for the one left than I do the one that was eaten. She seems lost.
They mate for life. To bad people don't, wouldn't have met second wife. No win here, as I would be stuck in the first one.

I don't hunt. Love animals. I would buy a very inexpensive yet highly accurate bolt action .223.
Any savage 10 will do. I bought 2 on sale at Cabela's, one in .223 and one in .308. The .223 will put bullets through basically the same holeat 100 yards scoped. SFW fixed 10x or 14x is a great scope for 300. Night vision is getting cheaper and cheaper. You gotta watch owls too. I've seen a duck snatched up with ease.

I hate 'yotes and could shoot them all day. The .223 has no recoil to speak of.

Got both of those rifle on sale, and with 100 dollar rebate....out the door 250 each. If you signed up for their credit card, you got another 25 bucks off. They do these sale/rebate fairly regularly.

I said model 10, but these are called 12FV.
It's model 10 (with the better action and acu- tigger' adjustable to 2.5 pounds) it also has the more accurate Bull barrel. Very good value.

Trying to think of how I can poison the 'yotes without killing my dogs. Something slow and painful seems proper.

All you need is bacon and a real sponge.

Life Issue being your dogs or even neighbor's dogs or cats ..

But, a 80 yr ol' told me about 30 yrs ago when he was young that they had to get rid of pirates of the night they used to use real sponge dish washing pads and none of the new petrol based sponges you see everywhere today.
And you cut the real sponges and they need to be new as in pressed and dry and then cut into 1/8 squares. Cook bacon and you eat the bacon but when the grease is still warm afterward drop all the cut pieces into the grease so they will absorb the grease. Then place a certain amount of the tainted sponge pieces that you can inventory every morning with just a glance and tell if any cubes are gone.

The coyotes, your cats, your dogs, coons, and other anomalies will consume the bacon bit sponges and then their gastronomical juices will cause the sponge to expand causing total blockage in their digestive tract. And they can't throw it up due to expansion.

Yes, this will be a slow and painful death ..
15:30, yet it looks like 21:30. Got rained off again, but I got most of my stuff done before the deluge.

Woke up this morning one goose shy of my pair. Had the girls since '08. Made great guard critters. Trying to think of how I can poison the 'yotes without killing my dogs. Something slow and painful seems proper. I feel more sorry for the one left than I do the one that was eaten. She seems lost.
Get a pair of Great Pyrenees Those Yotes will be dead in a month
15:30, yet it looks like 21:30. Got rained off again, but I got most of my stuff done before the deluge.

Woke up this morning one goose shy of my pair. Had the girls since '08. Made great guard critters. Trying to think of how I can poison the 'yotes without killing my dogs. Something slow and painful seems proper. I feel more sorry for the one left than I do the one that was eaten. She seems lost.
There is always Thanksgiving or Christmas
Some friends of mine bought two gigantic white dogs. I forget the name. They were the biggest dogs I have ever seen. All of a sudden they would stand, and take off like a rocket after those rascals. Sounded like a horse!
Yote problem done.

I remembered. Akbash. Horse sized, very gentle with kids. They rent cabins, and have chickens, peacocks, goats ducks etc. They have children of customers checking the animals and these horse sized dogs are very friendly.

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