Could be Dr Grinspoon it grows weird like thatLooks like boy balls to me.

Could be Dr Grinspoon it grows weird like thatLooks like boy balls to me.
Maybe it is very Special just like Shiloh is.More like foxtails like Hopper said....heat stress. Get a fan on her.
No Idiots have a shoot out?66F @ 74% RH, partially cloudy and predicted to reach 89F.
A series of new wild fires set by lightening.
Breakfast out with Grayfox and NM, before heading out to Oak Island and picking wild blackberries and watching he Blue Herons fish.
I picked up a commercial potato ricer and plan to use it to press the berries. I dug an old bed sheet out of the rag box and ran it through the washing machine to make filter cloths out of today for pressing.
@Tattered Old Graywolf GW did you ever figure out just what good there was to the Dr Gold's ISO3 I have mine sitting in a box still. used it once and not happy with results.66F @ 74% RH, partially cloudy and predicted to reach 89F.
A series of new wild fires set by lightening.
Breakfast out with Grayfox and NM, before heading out to Oak Island and picking wild blackberries and watching he Blue Herons fish.
I picked up a commercial potato ricer and plan to use it to press the berries. I dug an old bed sheet out of the rag box and ran it through the washing machine to make filter cloths out of today for pressing.
Nice site, I had one of those Iso2 machines in the 70's. Lot of oil made. Sort of Star Trek looking device. I also have his little book on making hash oil, little blast from the past.@Tattered Old Graywolf GW did you ever figure out just what good there was to the Dr Gold's ISO3 I have mine sitting in a box still. used it once and not happy with results.
Did you ever try to make RSO with the test unit he furnished you guys?
Sorry if I asked this before . my mind is starting to wonder.
With the old Iso2, the extraction mode worked well. Too well. IIRC it held about 1/4 pound. His method at the time was to get weed in the basket, and pour boiling water through it, coffee filter in bottom of basket. Then water squeezed off, and weed dried in low heat oven. Back into basket, add bottle of everclear run cycle. At the end, the alcohol was very dark, the weed was no longer green, sort of tan colored. It stripped everything out. Then you ran the isomerization (reagent grade pure sulfuric acid was included with the kit no less!@Tattered Old Graywolf GW did you ever figure out just what good there was to the Dr Gold's ISO3 I have mine sitting in a box still. used it once and not happy with results.
Did you ever try to make RSO with the test unit he furnished you guys?
Sorry if I asked this before . my mind is starting to wonder.
With the old Iso2, the extraction mode worked well. Too well. IIRC it held about 1/4 pound. His method at the time was to get weed in the basket, and pour boiling water through it, coffee filter in bottom of basket. Then water squeezed off, and weed dried in low heat oven. Back into basket, add bottle of everclear run cycle. At the end, the alcohol was very dark, the weed was no longer green, sort of tan colored. It stripped everything out. Then you ran the isomerization (reagent grade pure sulfuric acid was included with the kit no less!
The article talks about the Isomerization process, and the results of cbd rotating to thc. I learned about this process studying the American Journal of Chemistry, where the process and results were detailed. When I saw the iso2, I snagged one immediately. Since Then isomerization process has been rattling around in my head again. For fairly cheap, one can buy grams of CBD.......hmmmmmmmmmmm