Island Of Misfits

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In beautiful Mohave valley today installing air conditioners in a high end gated community. They have their own lake filled by recycled sewage water too….
Its127 Degrees out here….
What dumb fuck would buy a house out here?


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Catchy tune!

62F @ 75% RH, and predicted to reach 86F.

Hot and cold running visitors her yesterday and more stuff out of the garage. Also some nice samples of various concentrates and isolates, as well as the 12" X 6" end cap that I needed for my vacuum refluxing still.

Breakfast out this morning at the Cadillac Cafe, followed by a journey over the hill and far away to visit old friends.
What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend?
Wiped his ass.

Why is being in the military like a blow-job?
The closer you get to discharge, the better you feel.

What does tofu and a dildo have in common?
They’re both meat substitutes.

What do girls and noodles have in common?
They both wiggle when you eat them.
Merry Sol Rex day! 57F @ 80% RH, partially cloudy and predicted to reach 85F.

A pleasant breakfast out with Grayfox and NM at Cadillac Cafe, followed by a nice uneventful drive to Gaston and back yesterday.

Alas, we've got a water leak somewhere in our sprinkler system. The city notified us of excessive usage and I noted our meter whirring about with no water running, which stopped when I turned off the sprinkler circuit. A puzzlement so far, as we have no wet spots, so may be an electric valve not fully closing. Vee vill zee...........

I installed the new kitchen light at one of the rentals and cursed mightily under my breath at the short blind screws in the install kit, as the tenant was home. Fortunately I found a couple longer ones in my tool box that worked.
Howdy Misfits. Working in the grow today. Nice and cool now but the heat will take over soon.

Worked my buns off in the yard yesterday and it is in good shape. Been a wet year and the mosquitos are thriving. Hard to get near the garden without bug spray.

Gotta go....lights are coming on.
Well, one thing is certain. You and I will never dine together, thank God!!!
Why? Did he invite you to a nice dinner and then skip out and leave you with the check like he did to me?
Still can't figure out how he climbed out the restroom window.
It's all just semantics, oneupsmanship. I get sucked in as well, but I don't really like it. It is not fulfilling.

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