Merry Sol Rex day! 57F @ 80% RH, partially cloudy and predicted to reach 85F.
A pleasant breakfast out with Grayfox and NM at Cadillac Cafe, followed by a nice uneventful drive to Gaston and back yesterday.
Alas, we've got a water leak somewhere in our sprinkler system. The city notified us of excessive usage and I noted our meter whirring about with no water running, which stopped when I turned off the sprinkler circuit. A puzzlement so far, as we have no wet spots, so may be an electric valve not fully closing. Vee vill zee...........
I installed the new kitchen light at one of the rentals and cursed mightily under my breath at the short blind screws in the install kit, as the tenant was home. Fortunately I found a couple longer ones in my tool box that worked.