Island Of Misfits

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58F @ 63% RH, partially cloudy with showers, and predicted to reach 66F.

4 shootings, 2 dead, and 355 shootings so far this year. Oregon senate passes gun storage and gun free area laws removing legal gun owners 2nd amendment rights, to address the acts of the outlaws (operating outside the existing laws), but has been feckless addressing the shootings by those already ignoring the laws .

Business moving out of downtown Portland, citing riots, disruption, damage, the throngs of homeless, and rising (soaring) insurance rates.

More progress on the vacuum cooking test sled and some quality time spent in the park mit der pup, enjoying the gorgeous weather.
Good ole Liberalism at its best. Go figure. Definition of the word Liberal: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.:rolleyes:
Another words its okay to tear shit up because you don't give a fuck about anyone or anything but yourself.
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Good ole Liberalism at its best. Go figure. Definition of the word Liberal: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.:rolleyes:
Another words its okay to tear shit up because you don't give a **** about anyone or anything but yourself.
Careful, Mr. Moderator. You're supposed to be enforcing the rules, not violating them. Keep it up and I'll start calling you Rose. :)
Thanks for keeping Hopper in line Hippie......we can dress him up but can't take him anywhere. However, when the shooting starts Hopper is the kind of guy you need around.

Just finished planting my cold weather seeds. Back hurts like a mo-fo. Thai's ok, my working day is over and my daily ritual of doing what I do best is about to start....I will no longer be responsible for anything I say or do until tomorrow morning.
Here's one for @putembk:

I hadda study it awhile to see all of it.
I have always worried about what might come up and grab something of my sitting under water.
(*snork*) I started scuba diving in 1963. Over that time, I have managed to get bitten by a gamut of things:

1. Puffer fish (we call them "Funny Faces" <-- I was playing with one; they can't swim well deflated, and not at all when full of water. So I was tossing him in slow motion from hand to hand... and yup, I did not pay attention to which end of the basketball had teeth that were used to crush clams. OW!

2. Spotted moray. Was in Jamaica, going for Spanish Lobster. These are considerably smaller than Floriduh lobsters, but they are delicious. About the only way to catch them is to take off your glove and reach in his hidey-hole (where you can see he cannot back up any further) and ignore that he is facing you with a jillion spikes. Get ahold of him and work him out. <-- As I was pulling this one out, I only had a little bit of a grip on him and he was sticking his stickers into the coral. So I yanked hard... thereby lobster-jabbing a spotted moray minding his own bidness in the top of the hole. This pissed him off and he bit me. I did get the bug, though.

3. Yankee lobster. Was on a wreck off New Joisey. Next time you see more than one lobster in a tank... Note that most are right-handed as far as claw type. So there I am, peeking in a groove in the hull... and there in a loverly Yankee lobster. The way you hand-catch Yankee lobster is to reach in and grab the big claw. The bug saw me and fluffed some dust up, but then stopped. He was sideways to me so I reached over him and grabbed the big claw. NOT. I have a scar on my right wrist to this day where he pinched a fargin chunk offa me. He did not survive. His claws were in my goodie bag on the way up. TRIVIA: Did you know that your blood is bright fargin GREEN in 60' of water? More trivia: Lobsters are the largest critters on earth that have a copper-based bloodstream.

4. Guitar shark. It was midnight, opening lobster season. I knew where there was a wreck we called "The Pyramid" <-- It was just the very nose of a ship standing up like a, well, pyramid. There was a crawl space to get in it, and while it had holes all over it, only one entrance big enough for people. So I eased into this giant fargin LOBSTER TRAP and sure enuf, there were thirty-plus bugs in there of all sizes. Talk about fun. Anyway, I tickled three or four bugs into my bag, and notice a really big one in the corner. But between my and Lobzilla was a kind of shark that is flat and sorta shaped like a guitar. I grabbed his tail and pulled him away from my bug. Bastage bit me on the leg. Just scratched me, though. He zoomed out, and I got the big bug.


5. Lastly (and just naming the strange ones) Mantis shrimp <-- which aint a fargin shrimp, BTW. They grow to about 15 inches. And they can kill stuff with their "fists".
I found one walking around that was about a foot long, put my finger out to see what it would do. BLAM! OW! SHIT! OW! I have since learned that these things can kill fargin oysters, crabs, fish, and my fargin fingle:

"The animal kills by rapidly unfolding its raptorial claws with an astounding acceleration of 102,000 m/s2 and speed of 23 mps (51 mph). The strike is so quick it boils water between the shrimp and its prey, producing cavitation bubbles. When the bubbles collapse, the resulting shockwave hits prey with an instantaneous force of 1500 newtons. So, even if the shrimp misses its target, the shockwave can stun or kill it. The collapsing bubble also produces weak light, known as sonoluminescence. Typical prey includes fish, snail, crabs, oysters, and other mollusks. Mantis shrimps will also eat members of their own species."

And they give a bang about as loud as a .22 <-- TINS
Holy motherfreakers that Mantis thing. Out Sadiyat Island we caught huge groupers using lobster type traps. We used to bait them with Spam sandwiches. Groupers cannot resist Spam. And on Masirah Island we built a boat and went fishing, caught masses of things.


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One time riding my bike a giant june bug smashed me in the teeth.
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I was zooming along a back road on my trailbike when a swarm of bees came across the road.

I was absolutely covered with gooey bee-bodies. Had to lock up and stop because I could not see a fargin thing. Gawd! Did that ever stink with a sorta icky sweet smell.

And I was a coupla miles from any kind of water. Blechhh.
Holy motherfreakers that Mantis thing. Out Sadiyat Island we caught huge groupers using lobster type traps. We used to bait them with Spam sandwiches. Groupers cannot resist Spam. And on Masirah Island we built a boat and went fishing, caught masses of things.
Saadiyat Island!!?? Jeez. (bows humbly) For the rest of us peons:

Rooms there go for $1400 a night.
I was zooming along a back road on my trailbike when a swarm of bees came across the road.

I was absolutely covered with gooey bee-bodies. Had to lock up and stop because I could not see a fargin thing. Gawd! Did that ever stink with a sorta icky sweet smell.

And I was a coupla miles from any kind of water. Blechhh.
You needed a pair of these

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