Island Of Misfits

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Just got done with an MRI of my lower back for my pain management specialist. This idiot was parked in a no parking zone and I almost backed the van into him. If it was not for my parking assist app, I would have hit his ass. Idiot
I'll drive ya next time, we shall fix the asshole up good LOL
Good morning Misfits. Yeah, we had high winds and thunderstorms, but nothing we are not used to. Supposed to have more of the same thing today and tomorrow. Temps are getting cooler again, so been running the furnace lately. Went for days without it, and had the fans going in the living room and bedroom.
Good morning GW and assorted other Misfits. Damned alien abduction again. I'd still be out if it wasn't for that thunder-boomer that rattled the windows here at the ranch. Only heard the one directly over the house. LOUD!
I should get outta the fart sack and look for devastation, but it'll be there when the sun comes up, so meh. 🤪
Good morning Hippie!
How much do I love my dog?
Just spent an Hour washing and cleaning the behind of my 165 Baby.
He shit himself in his sleep and smashed it into his fur back that, what a mess.
Poop was everywhere, I manned up and pulled off the chunks I could and then the fun part, To wash his whole backside and down the legs.
Dawn Dish soap is wonderful.
Poor felly he felt so embarrassed but acted like a trooper.
Our friend sent us a package that had rice krispie treats for St. Patrick's Day, which has little green clovers sprinkled in them. And a recipe for fudge that we have been wanting, yummy! Also a recipe for hamburger potato casserole that sounds good. Probably try that on Monday.

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