Island Of Misfits

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Alignment is always advisable with new tires, you want to protect that investment. I'm off to the tire shop this morning. My tires still have a bit over 6/32 inch tread left, but three have had a slow leak around the bead for a year. It's getting worse, especially with the cold weather. They're gonna try to get the rims buffed up and see if I can get another year on them, but I might just splurge on a new set. After a $2k timing belt replacement last year, I'll hold on to this car for a couple more years.
Most tire shops have Bead sealer that works good for sealing the bead
My baby just fixed two-inch thick cheeseburgers and macaroni/cheese for dinner. I ate mine and then finished hers that she didn't want, so I am stuffed! Now sitting on the couch watching a movie (US Marshalls - with Tommy Lee Jones and Wesley Snipes) and drinking a cup of hot chocolate.
Sounds like a good old grease bomb burger. Yum! I finished up the rest of the tortilla soup. Crunched up some fritos and tossed 'em in along with some shredded cheese and a dollop of sour cream. It's all I've eaten today, so I don't think I screwed up my diet too badly.
Good morning insomniac Misfits. Guess I got too much sleep during the day, because I am wide awake. Getting ready to take some more pharma to see if it can help me get some sleep. A triple set of Baclofen, Oxycodone, and Hydroxyzine - with a dose of Sonata 10 mg (similar to Lunesta). If it doesn't induce sleep, at least I won't be in pain and I can watch some YouTube videos
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Sounds like a good old grease bomb burger. Yum! I finished up the rest of the tortilla soup. Crunched up some fritos and tossed 'em in along with some shredded cheese and a dollop of sour cream. It's all I've eaten today, so I don't think I screwed up my diet too badly.
Four pounds lost so far this year.
Good Shatterday morning venerable brothers and sisters of the sacred herb!

Yet another double gorgeous clear day here, starting at 32F and predicted to reach 46F.

My new Garmin watch is due today, which includes A-fib notification. No A-fib this morning and an empty calendar open to debauchery!

Good morning, Misfits! Wrapped my arms around my sweetie and got three hours of blissful sleep. Woke back up and finally nodded off the second time and clocked in three. That's six no matter how ya add it up.
Got snow overnight and more on the way. The spinner on my steering wheel broke off, so it's off to the auto parts store for another one before plowing starts. I can plow without it, but it's slow going.
Good afternoon, Misfits. We just got done doing a load of dishes and now sitting on the couch watching a movie. My baby is in the kitchen fixing some baked lemon pepper chicken, augratin potatoes and corn for dinner. My brother came over and is spending the night so we can watch the Chiefs game against the Buffalo Bills tomorrow night at 5 pm. The winner goes to the Superbowl. Go Chiefs!
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