Detoilet beat Shitcago, but barely.Made it home, got a load of laundry going and sitting on the couch smoking a bowl. The Bears and the Lions are kicking off now. The Chiefs play tomorrow at 2 pm for "Black Friday"
Sir! Mission accomplished, Sir!Shot another deer this morning.
Little 100 pound doe but she'll make good jerky and hot dogs!
Happy danksgiving yall
Smoke a ton but dont forget to gobble til ya wobble!
If you call being one toke over the line, I've been there many times.Has anyone here had any experience with transcendental meditation and astral projection? Being able to travel outside of your body? (OBE)
TySorry to hear about your dad @MariJan.
Awe sorry I hate snow. I put my girls outside today.Thanksgiving may be canceled for me
Were getting slammed with snow and it's a 30 minute ride on a good day to my parents.
Not sure, possibly in a day or two. Her oxygen levels need to improve some more first, but making good progressThey give her any idea when they're gonna turn her loose?
I missed thatGood night, kind knight.
YD was here. Shot himself another Bambi.