Morning Misfits. I'm moving to Mars. Rover landed there yesterday and the place looks peaceful. No evidence of any of the shit going on here on the third rock from the sun. No power grid problems, downed trees or homeless problems. And no covid!!! That's it....I'm going.
Nice scenery and lots of reds! You have to give Mars that.
The TV programs say the legs are the best part, so I went to cut them off. Nope. Skin like heavy, very flexible canvas. And it stuck to the meat, unlike frog or rabbit or just about anything else. TOUGH. Texture = Horrible. I could eat them in an emergency. I would not choose to do so otherwise.
Ummm, you've been had brother! The choice meat is in the tail.
All we could catch during survival training was the small Skinks, which we just chopped up and ate guts, eyeballs and all.
Tastes like chicken smells like fish.....
And goes well with a fine licker................
40F @ 88% RH, rain, and predicted to reach 50F.
Lots of folks still without power and Oregon National Guard called out to help restore it.
The WHO revised the way they test for Covid after discovering that the 40X multiplication factor they were using, was causing false positives, so some of the "asymptomatic" infected folks were probably not infected, thus explaining in deeply scientific terms their lack of symptoms.
They have also revised the standards for counting Covid infections, to include an actual positive Covid test result, instead of just the symptoms.
This came after reviewing mortality statistics that suggests that Covid 19 is a miracle cure for things like common influenza through cancer, because the mortality rate for other diseases across the board fell in 2020.
The other diseases that have dramatically increased here locally is gunfire between "opposing groups" ("gangs" in the non politically correct vernacular) and domestic violence. The small price you have to pay to cure all those other diseases I guess.