Island Of Misfits

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I've been able to get stuff quickly from Amazon...once it ships that is. What would once get to me in a day or two with Prime shipping no takes a week because they wait 6 days to send it. Just got some stuff that way, 6 days before it shipped and received it overnight. Personally I'm impressed, WallyWord still gets stuff to you pretty quickly, why can't Amazon? That's my experience lately.
I thought it was just mine, but it's the site. Every other site loads just as fast as always. You suppose it's bitter people trying to leave this great site as scorched earth? I hope not. If you don't like it, just move on. Don't ruin it for everyone else.
I wasn't going to grow outdoors this summer because I don't smoke as much as use and still have enough from last 2 summers to last me the year, but I went down to my pots to get a couple for tomatoes and, to my surprise, there were 2 two foot tall plants. Must have been autos from last year that did not germinate. That's what i call lazy man's farming.

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