Send the cleaning lady to my house. My Wife would love that shit
I'm awake Hippie. And stop fking sneaking over here and putting holes in my roofs at work ya fker.

As a bachelor I worked a demanding job, that often had me managing critical projects 24/7, so besides taking care of my own dishes and picking up after myself, I hired a foxy young blue eyed, blonde headed housekeeper to do my laundry and keep my apartment sharp. Grayfox wanted her gone when we started living together, saying she would rather do it herself, but as soon as we were married wanted me to share in the housekeeping choirs.
I told her that I related to her pain, but that my time was more valuable spent making money and paying someone with that money to take care of the housekeeping. I suggested that she hire Poppy back, but she hired two older women that she feels more comfortable having around instead, and we've now used them 39 years.
Consider the ongoing value received if you were to surprise your wife with a prepaid house cleaning gift coupon, along with a
gift card for a massage and pedicure for no good reason other than you were thinking about her.
I say that with some reservations, as there is some possibility that instead of thinking, "He loves me", she may think, "Now what has he been up to?"