There are so many of them out there, and I always did all my own diagnostics and repairs, so I never really looked much into the You Tube mechanics. I spent my entire career trying to disprove the whole knuckle-dragger, stubble-bearded cigar chomping rag-in-the-back-pocket, 'girly calendars hanging in the restroom' persona perpetuated by the media and entertainment moguls. The whole "Grease Monkey" thing, if you know what I mean - there are plenty of those out there, but I was never one of them.
RosterMan, I've literally extended my hand in a friendly introductory shake, only to have the recipient physically inspect it to be sure it was clean enough for him to shake. I don't cotton much to that shit. My wife is an accounting professional - she has her own office, even. A cute little receptionist at a Christmas party one year asked me "what I was going to school for, while working on cars". After my basic Auto Technology 101 response to her and a brief description of my daily duties, she didn't have much to say, the entry-level phone answerer. LOL Sorry, nothing personal and no insult intended to you or anyone, but that was the reality of my career. OK...I'm gettin' off my soapbox now.
As to You Tube Mechanics though...there is a guy that I look in on once in a while. His name is Cletus McFarland, and he does some crazy stuff! That he's based out of the 2nd oval track I grew up going to is a plus - and the drag strip is one I've actually raced on. Gawd only knows I loves me some screaming hi performance engines! Burnouts, too.