Island Of Misfits

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Good morning peoples….
Howdy @boo. Didja come down from your suborbital flight, or are you still airborne?

BTW: That is another thing I simply have never seen in person -- psychedelics of any kind. HTF did I ever get from 1940 to today without knowledge of a whole 'nother sub-society, I cannot imagine. However: There It Is.

I useta think I wuz a world-experienced old shot-up sojer that'd been around the whole block and had verdigris on my badges. Meh. Came here and found out there were other countries not on any maps. This place is one of them.
Two things: Hemp hearts -- My goodness, hemp has gotten the same bad press dandelions have; you can eat the leaves in a salad or cooked like spinach, the roots are edible boiled, the flowers are used to make wine, kids play with the puffballs, and you can make pretty necklaces and maidenhair bows (a la Lady Chatterly) with the flowered stems.

Now I find among other things, you can make cookie soup out of the seeds. Far out.

Secondly: If you go on the Net, there is a tutorial hack that shows you how to open any combination lock easypeasy.

But congrats for your mental leap <-- That, I dunno how to do.
I charmed many girls panties off with the help of music and D H Lawrence
Howdy @boo. Didja come down from your suborbital flight, or are you still airborne?

BTW: That is another thing I simply have never seen in person -- psychedelics of any kind. HTF did I ever get from 1940 to today without knowledge of a whole 'nother sub-society, I cannot imagine. However: There It Is.

I useta think I wuz a world-experienced old shot-up sojer that'd been around the whole block and had verdigris on my badges. Meh. Came here and found out there were other countries not on any maps. This place is one of them.
Good morning Walt. I didn’t really leave earth yesterday, but I did feel very warm happy and elevated. After lunch I had another capsule of the mushrooms and just grooved through the day. I did psychedelics all the time when I was a young kid but I haven’t done it since the 70s and I see that it has a completely different effect on me now when I microdose… I will certainly be going deeper into the mushroom world as time passes. I don’t want to trip, but I do like the mellow microdose buzz…
Good morning Walt. I didn’t really leave earth yesterday, but I did feel very warm happy and elevated. After lunch I had another capsule of the mushrooms and just grooved through the day. I did psychedelics all the time when I was a young kid but I haven’t done it since the 70s and I see that it has a completely different effect on me now when I microdose… I will certainly be going deeper into the mushroom world as time passes. I don’t want to trip, but I do like the mellow microdose buzz…

I like to take some before going to bed

when they first start to come on , i yawn a lot , actually feel sleepy

so I laid down and went to sleep and had some groovy dreams

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