Wishing the best Sub. We had both my wife's father & mother in hospice care in our house. While it was tough on the wife (I was just there for the lifting), she would have not had it any other way.
I’m hoping that time you are talking about doesn’t last long as I’m sure that will be the hardest to deal with. This is her second time with breast cancer. The first time she was in her 50s and went thru all the chemotherapy and radiation but this time about 7 years ago was diagnosed again. She had double mastectomy and started chemotherapy but it would have killed her if she continued so she opted out. She’s made it almost 7 years with drugs that slow dow the process. I’m thankful that time has been bearable for her.My heart is with ya, Subbie. At least she's still got her facilities about her. When they don't even know who you are, it's worse. Give her lots 'o hugs from us. Give yourself a couple, too.
Fking Pharma has cures for all kinds of cancers i would be willing to bet,, but make more money treating the disease than curing it.![]()
back in the Dust Bowl Days , a lot of Okies migrated to Bakersfield and other California towns looking for work in the agricultural industry
I would wager a lot of them Okies are and have been going back to Oklahoma …
try that sh-it in a small town in Oklahoma and one may end up in the ditch
Sorry SG! Prayers and good thoughts to both you and your mom! Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1Good morning friends. Today is the day I have to call in hospice for my momma. After last weeks visit to the cancer doc, we learned that none of the treatments are working and she has 6 months or perhaps just weeks to live. she still feels good and says she doesn’t feel like she only has 6 months. It’s true too, she is still out and about doing all kinds of things. She still has a bright mind and can actually drive very good. Her driving days will end soon tho as the pain management part comes up as she will be taking pain meds more often. Now she only takes gabapentin and Alieve but got a prescription for stronger meds while we were at the docs office. She has been planning and preparing these last few months by downsizing her load of stuff and making peace with everyone. Her attitude has changed in the last few weeks in a good way as she has not been irritable to everyone around her as she has been in the last year or so. I’m sure her health has not helped this. My little brother will come up to stay with her when she starts needing someone around 24 hours as he can work from anywhere and I only live 5 minutes away so I can get over there pretty quick if he needs help overnight and of course during the day I can be there to help.
Yall wish me luck with starting the ball rolling with hospice..
hope everyone has a beautiful Monday![]()
Best thing Dwight ever did was to get his hair parted by Billy Bob Thornton in the movie Sling Blade.Dwight is one of my favorite country singers. When i was a kid we lived outside of Bakersfield. I remember Buck Owens owned a Piggly Wiggly we shopped at.