Island Of Misfits

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I was able to get my BP down to 158 over 92 with 10 minutes on a stationary bike. If that hadn't worked, I would have immediately gone to ER. I repeated that three more times as the day wore on and it stayed down.

I have high blood pressure genetically that normally runs around 150 over 95 without medication and about 130 over 85 with medication. It has spiked before when I was passing kidney stones and once when I had the flu and my electrolytes depleted.
Excellent news.

Please tell us "yes" when we ask if you take your BP reading every day?
And while we are on the subject... for the dog haters here:

Your not going to believe what I just did.
I get up being as quit as I can trying to let my Wife sleep in because I wasn't hungry. I shaved, got dressed, fixed my lunch and put it in my lunch box. Put my badge around my neck (PIV Badge) that allows me in the federal buildings. Didn't want to scare you guys😁
Made Coffee, grabbed my briefcase. Put the shit in the truck. Went back in and kissed my Wife ,,as she woke up I told her I would see her this evening. She says ,Where are you going. I said to work,,,She says it's Sunday dumbass,,get your ass back in bed.😳
Yep I had lost a day somehow. Now my ass is totally dressed and shaved and no place to go.😱😁
Now I feel like a kid that stayed home from school,,,on a day there was no fking school.πŸ™„
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Your not going to believe what I just did.
I get up being as quit as I can trying to let my Wife sleep in because I wasn't hungry. I shaved, got dressed, fixed my lunch and put it in my lunch box. Put my badge around my neck (PIV Badge) that allows me in the federal buildings. Didn't want to scare you guys😁
Made Coffee, grabbed my briefcase. Put the shit in the truck. Went back in and kissed my Wife ,,as she woke up I told her I would see her this evening. She says ,Where are you going. I said to work,,,She says it's Sunday dumbass,,get your ass back in bed.😳
Yep I had lost a day somehow. Now my ass is totally dressed and shaved and no place to go.😱😁
Now I feel like a kid that stayed home from school,,,on a day there was no fking school.πŸ™„
Just remember, this forum is like the Marine Corps; you ain't allowed to die without permission, and we ain't givin' it.
A court martial offense! Sir, yes sir, aye, aye, sir!
Excellent news.

Please tell us "yes" when we ask if you take your BP reading every day?
No. I take my BP reading multiples times a day. High BP runs in my Dad's side of the family, so I have always taken it seriously.

Wishing ya’ll a lovely day of the Sun!

Another gorgeous day here starting at 56F and predicted to reach 82F.

My doctor added a second BP med to control my blood pressure while they try and figure what is spiking it. She says it takes about 3 days for the meds to take full effect, but with meds and 10 minutes on the stationary bike, it's currently 137 over 78.

I hired Roto Rooter to clear a bathroom sink drain at one of the duplexes and the operator who showed up was barely intelligible in his English second language, requiring that I had to repeatedly ask him to say again. In addition he was a functional moron, who couldn’t tell the bathroom tub vent connection from the line from the sink. I had to explain it to him.

When he prepared to leave, the drain connections were leaking and when I pointed that out to him, he told me that he was a drain cleaner, not a plumber, so I had to go get my tools and fix it myself.

The worst part is that they charged me $550 for less than an hour's work for that moron. I won’t be using Roto Rooter again……………….
A court martial offense! Sir, yes sir, aye, aye, sir!

No. I take my BP reading multiples times a day. High BP runs in my Dad's side of the family, so I have always taken it seriously.

Wishing ya’ll a lovely day of the Sun!

Another gorgeous day here starting at 56F and predicted to reach 82F.

My doctor added a second BP med to control my blood pressure while they try and figure what is spiking it. She says it takes about 3 days for the meds to take full effect, but with meds and 10 minutes on the stationary bike, it's currently 137 over 78.

I hired Roto Rooter to clear a bathroom sink drain at one of the duplexes and the operator who showed up was barely intelligible in his English second language, requiring that I had to repeatedly ask him to say again. In addition he was a functional moron, who couldn’t tell the bathroom tub vent connection from the line from the sink. I had to explain it to him.

When he prepared to leave, the drain connections were leaking and when I pointed that out to him, he told me that he was a drain cleaner, not a plumber, so I had to go get my tools and fix it myself.

The worst part is that they charged me $550 for less than an hour's work for that moron. I won’t be using Roto Rooter again……………….
As of Monday, I am in a new business. $550 an hour and dont have to speak english!

Well my ass is ready for work. Jesus I can't believe I did that.
Of course I got thrown off by that fking dreaded beeping at 3am. Every few minutes BEEP,,BEEP, BEEP. Goddamn Smoke detector battery going out. Got my ass up and pulled the battery,,went back to bed and then the fking dog wanted out. Told him to shut the fk up and go to bed. He did thank God,, cause I wasn't in the mood.
And then of course you know the rest of the story. Got my ass up early to go to work when it wasn't Monday.😳
Well my ass is ready for work. Jesus I can't believe I did that.
Of course I got thrown off by that fking dreaded beeping at 3am. Every few minutes BEEP,,BEEP, BEEP. Goddamn Smoke detector battery going out. Got my ass up and pulled the battery,,went back to bed and then the fking dog wanted out. Told him to shut the fk up and go to bed. He did thank God,, cause I wasn't in the mood.
And then of course you know the rest of the story. Got my ass up early to go to work when it wasn't Monday.😳
Quit..............dropping out was the second smartest move I ever made,so far.

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