Island Of Misfits

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I saw Gidrah in a bar fight. Got his clock cleaned.

You've got a face that looks like its worn out two bodies.

I would rather attend a week's worth of root canals. Shakespeare? For a week? Sounds as painful as being the new guy on a Turkish freighter.

51 degrees here with a fog/haze. Not sure if it's all the moisture or some of that Canuk smoke. The sun come out, the sun goes away. It can't decide what it wants to do. I've got something in common with it today. Might go out and putter, might stay in and heal. Guess I'll flip a nickel.
I can appreciate Shakespeare for one thing, he was a smart ass. A little long winded. I prefer shorter more abrupt style. Hemingway for instance. I'm gonna dream with the lions.

I just fell off the couch! I can see woofing down some buttered bacon cheese bread, but what in the wide world of sports was it doing at an orchard?

The Montrose orchard has a bakery. They make some of the best donuts and breads you'll ever eat. They make some killer raspberry preserves, too.
They are coming north. I saw a bunch of them in southwest Missouri

There are a lot in KY and TN now, too.
I have heard from fairly reliable sources that they are showing up in the very southwest corner of IN.
I picked up a fresh road kill in TN a couple years ago and brought it home and threw it out in the middle of the road near town. That got some talk started, lol.
Damn Hopper, that would put a dent in your truck. Hope I never see one of those. I had pea size hail here yesterday but everything survived. Anything smaller than a dime and I am ok. If it gets to be quarter size then the damage starts. Hail doesn't get that big in the mountains usually and I live right up against them.
I've seen hail like that in Texas. Lotsa dented cars, and a school that had all the windows broken.

However, the real danger is to livestock -- cattle run amok and get injured.

The roundness of the hailstone shown in the picture is surprising. Many that I saw were jagged-edged from melting while falling for the last time. We put some in a freezer...
Crikey. Catching up on this fargin site is difficult. Been on here for a long fargin time just reading the interesting stuff.

I've got one that will make your socks roll up and down. And it will give alla youse "all doctors are money grubbers" a step back with focus on reality.

If I just stated it, you would not believe it (hard to swallow as spoonful of cinnamon).

But just lookit this fuzzy but readable thing MySonTheDoctor just received. And essentially spit on.

They are past getting desperate for their bullshit mistreatment of doctors -- resulting in mass resignations -- essentially ALL the experienced ones -- all across the country.

Dang. I just re-read this. It needs an explanation:

A Hospitalist is a deeply experienced doctor. He has to be able to handle any-fargin-thing that comes through that big door. From impalement to leprosy. FMG's are now everywhere. Foreign Med Grads <-- The explanation for your doctor's accent. If you are lucky enough to have one (who is overworked already).

Scooter was a Board Certified Hospitalist. (only 60% of doctors are Board Certified).

PS: "Extra shift" pay is $2,344!!! and the burnout situation the lawyers and hospital corporation bean counters have caused nationwide is so severe that those doctors that are qualified are all giving them the Hawaiian Good Luck Gesture. That is why you wait two months to see a "greedy" doctor whose every second is scheduled 10-12 hours per day.

Oh. And that greedy doctor does NOT get paid by the patient. He is salaried. He never sees the charges, and does not have a clue what they add up to.

I DO hope I have made this crystal clear even to those who are really stuck on doctor "greed".

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