@bigsur51 i know you dry your weed in the cold sometimes. How cold is too cold. I have my rack hanging in the open room over my garage. It averages around 50 in there this time of year and less than 50% humidity. The temps may go up a bit but that just depends on our weird weather. This batch of banana TK is extra loud smelling (smelling up the entire garage and house when the door is opened) but I do have a place inside I could bring it to for better temps and humidity. Is it worth it to let them dry a bit warmer And higher humidity?
cold has been good to me , the cooler the better
so yeah , i would choose the cooler natural temps for this strandivar
which begs the question , how do ganja farmers dry and cure their herbs when they are in tropical hot climates…i think of Jamaica or Thailand for example..
but since the banana tk leans heavily on the kush side , it only seems logical that this plant has genetic coding for colder temps, if i am making any sense
obviously we do not want freezing and or below
i actually have a small room that was used a few years ago that still have some un-trimmed plants hanging upside down and i will bet you that if i smoked some of it today i would get high…the room stays cool all year round , otherwise the heat would have degraded the cannabinoids a long time ago
i am so excited to hear your smoke report!….from what i can see/hear , that banana tk is some killer smoke , i know the tk is good , we have a few jars of it that need to be refilled before the 8 other jars lol