Last night on our way to dinner I stopped at the liquor store. Been going there for a long time now and know everybody that works there. Store is owned by Asians and they are good people. The clerk on duty is good guy.....was a Marine who wouldn't take the jab. We have gotten to know each other and I gift him from time to time.
Anyway the place was freezing inside. He said the owner turned to heat down to 55f because the heating bill was to high last month. Poor guy was cold. I asked him if he had any smoke and he said no so I told him I would bring him a care package next time I came in. He also said he hadn't eaten yet today......
Got in the truck and went to dinner. After thinking about it I ordered him the same thing I got to go. Finished dinner, ran home and got a big bag of pot and took it and the food to him.
Sometimes you just have to help someone out. Made me feel good inside.