That's bullshit. His BP shouldnt be that high, especially taking BP meds.
I'm going to be careful and not piss anyone off but the fking Doctor just prescribes meds for a problem. He doesn't have to deal with the side effects. The first doc that worked at the hospital that prescribed me BP meds, fked me bad.I could barely get off the couch. My HR would go down into the low 50s and even high 40s at night when I was trying to sleep. My BP was like 90/60.

That is not good. So I did some research and asked to be put on Carvedilol 3.125 MG. Which is a BP and a Beta Blocker which helps with BP and HR rate. So my personal Cardiologist gave me those. Told me to take 1 Twice daily. I finally took that little tiny bastard,cut it into half's with a razor blade and took a half, 3 times a day. Morning, noon,and night. Now my BP is normally around 118/78 to 128/80. My HR is usually around 78 bpm. Now I can work,stand up, or whatever with no problems. Believe me you have to be careful with meds and what they are doing to you. Sometimes you have to be your own doctor.
My Cardiologist loves me because he said he has never had anyone that actually does research and reads White Papers to get all that info to make an informed decision.
If you can get the info off those bottles let me know what they are. He can't live that way. It's not gonna be fun or cool.