Gonna make some Breakfast
Bondo .....Lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I forgot about my blood work results coming back museum quality. Good thing I studied.
The full panel was spot on, with my total cholesterol at 147mg/dl, A1C at 5.4%, and PSA at 0.75 ng/ml.
My mainframe may be breaking up at age 79 and pieces falling off, but my spirit and running gear are still excellent.
Me too I agree I fly as flag on our flag pole . I am the only one on the block. Ass wipes know how to put every doosh flag ,Easter ,Christmas <Fall ,Halloween but our flag is too much .IMHO if you fly a flag of the month you advertise how lame you are without a American flag.Have the flag of the month and fly our flag means you will still get shot if you try to enterThere is a demographic out there that you might like.
The incidence of tresspass crime of any description whatsoever is a step-function lower for properties prominently displaying the American flag. It turns out it is a sharp deterrent.
Put a flag out front, and a dummy "just deliverd" test box on your porch. The box will get moldy and still no one will go near it.
Trust yer Unca.
PS: That ain't the reason I have a flag angled out over my road... but it works.
We have the largest flagpole in the hood thanks to the Vet we bought our house from. We maintain it in his honor. Maybe that’s why nothing from our porch has been taken…Me too I agree I fly as flag on our flag pole . I am the only one on the block. Ass wipes know how to put every doosh flag ,Easter ,Christmas <Fall ,Halloween but our flag is too much .IMHO if you fly a flag of the month you advertise how lame you are without a American flag.Have the flag of the month and fly our flag means you will still get shot if you try to enter
You are so cool Subie !!!!
sounds like a song ...!you've made him such a happy hubby subbie, good on you...![]()
dont forget your truck !!!!all we need notw is momma, a dog, and a train...yeehaw...![]()
yesterday afternoon I detailed the twin cab of my truck, cleaned it all and had another dogs worth of fur wedged between the seats and other nooks...even armor all'd it with the non greasy pimp oil...today mebbe the outside...waitin for the big blow to develop...was gonna head up to the cabin today but I prefer to be here if we have a storm...gonna fire up the genset today for a trial run...dont forget your truck !!!!
Good Luckyesterday afternoon I detailed the twin cab of my truck, cleaned it all and had another dogs worth of fur wedged between the seats and other nooks...even armor all'd it with the non greasy pimp oil...today mebbe the outside...waitin for the big blow to develop...was gonna head up to the cabin today but I prefer to be here if we have a storm...gonna fire up the genset today for a trial run...
If that's Kensington avenue.. that ain't cheese.