Island Of Misfits

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And buddy don't you ever say I tried to blow .... again because trust me the blow your thinking of isn't what I'm thinking about.... We would be having a BBQ!! If you think I'm one to joke about blowing.... But you know I'm just joking chicken fucker😹😂😜☠️
How about we don't fk with each other and try something different for a change.
I always tell ppl who I work with to never ever fk with me by poking or talking to much shit and we will get along fine.
What happens when ppl do that is,,sooner or later someone is not in the God damn mood and it turns ugly when it didn't have too.
KB doesn't want to be fked with about his feet so maybe we should let that go.
Let's just have some fun without fking around so much.
And I'm not picking on anybody. Pease
I think roster has a foot fetish and KB is about over're right hippie, them chem trails are seriously killing us...
No the dickhead was telling me to fuck k a grapefruit so screw him him
I signed on to find the guy saying sheit about me
Nice try
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lighten up dude, you seem to be looking for a fight...if you back off with the foot insults mebbe there wouldn't be so much friction...
what does nice try imply roster, I'm simply making an threatened to leave yesterday, mebbe take a few days to sort it out...
lighten up dude, you seem to be looking for a fight...if you back off with the foot insults mebbe there wouldn't be so much friction...
what does nice try imply roster, I'm simply making an threatened to leave yesterday, mebbe take a few days to sort it out...
Hey buddy why don;t you mind your own business are you a Mod now?
Make an Observation without making a public statement Huh?
I ask if you would be happy if I left not that I was going to.
Hey buddy why don;t you mind your own business are you a Mod now?
Make an Observation without making a public statement Huh?
I ask if you would be happy if I left not that I was going to.
if I was a mod you'd have time out but that's not the case...if you'd like me to post the message you sent me to refresh your memory you said "I'm gonna leave now" observations tell me you're melting down...

Look at this little bastard ! he is not even Italian....

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