I and a friend as a young child that caught king snakes all the time In the cornfields that surrounded our property. He had boxes of them. They were every color very beautiful and very friendly apparently to handle. He would let me hold them now and then. I was much braver back then
The ones we had the most of were stripped with various iridescent colors.
Kings also love to dine on venomous snakes, too. They're immune to the poison.
They are a constrictor and consider other snakes choice chow and easy to swallow.
Pond was productive. Caught the first one on first cast. (one with lighter) 6 were caught only got pics of 4. All were pole benders, guessing 3 to 4 lbs..
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Nice size pond for bass just begging for a lure..........................
Hot damn! Deep fried gator tonight!!
Hee, hee,............................
Gooode morning all! 61F With 87% RH, partially cloudy and predicted to reach 82F in these here parts.
More progress on our elephant preservation project and close to formal release.
Hurry up and wait on my Medusa project, with key folks out with Covid and others just too busy to keep up.
Not so much that anything has changed with project management since retirement, just that before retirement I had pages of projects to bounce back and forth between, as one or the other(s) became roadblocked. Now the trick is to keep pressure on without focusing so intently that team mates feel harassed.
And speaking of fill in projects, alas, something going on with our sprinkler system controler. I replaced the original mechanical clockwork Torro controller shortly after we moved in and am on my second Rain Bird controller that may have taken a crap.