It’s 90 here now with 76% rh Today was super hot hereEvening misfits. Back from today. Combination of cod, srimp and scallops.
Are we sick of the heat yet. Who has the warmest temp currently......I'm at 92 with 29%rh.
Wait..... don't you drive a Rolls Royce?You'll never guess what I saw on the road on the way to the bar this afternoon. Damn near broke my neck doing a double take, and the Old Hen missed it entirely. A friggin' brand new Ford GT! Talk about a looker! Of course, for half a million dollars, it should be. Can't believe someone in my little berg has that kind of scratch to cough up on a car.
Funny thing is. That we have terraformed ok. There were very few trees when my great grandad did the Cheroke land run in 1889. (along cricks and rivers) This was open prairie. It was a dryer climate then too. Now there is very little prairie and lots of trees. (red cedar make up the most) Then oak trees ect ect, Terraforming is real . In conclusion, we ARE modifying the weather in a way....the powers that be have been modifying the weather since the 1940’s
we are now at the weather war level or defcon 1
and deep too....The water was cold that day
strength and honor....
Absolutely unreal .. I mean really .. most of you know how I flavour my vanilla ice cream . But the wife and I sent some samples for a look at our DNA historical lineage .. Wife is Dutch mostly and I knew that, no problem .. but it came back that I have 6.3 % Ashkenazi in my bloodline.. I can't believe it ... It said that it could be of a great great or a bit further back than that .. Life is quirky to say the least.