Something like that fan would help a bit in the winter when temps outside are cool and dryer but especially in the sunshine state you'll have more humid months than not and temps will always be your main challenge imo. You dont want to pull hot humid air into your grow room... It's more of an ideal situation to feed intakes with the same CFM fan as the exhaust fan but from having to 'make due' and deal with less than ideal grow room situations over the years I've found that any way that you can pump cool air into your grow space the better off you'll be. I run a 630cfm Eclipse 6" fan for my exhausting a 1K with a cool tube front loaded with a 30 lb filter so I'm guessing the drag pulls down my CFM's a good amount. Most of the time the Eclipse fan keeps things cool on its own by pulling air into the closet from a 4" passive intake and cracks around my door, etc. from fall til spring when temps in that bedroom are cool. In the shoulder seasons of late spring and early fall I take an old Home Depot bathroom inline 4" fan that's probably about 200cfm at best and I use that to force more cool air into my 4" intake hole. Once things reach the tipping point and it's hard to keep temps in the mid 70s I have to fire up the window a/c unit
to keep things cool in that bedroom and when it's really hot and humid I have to force the cool a/c air from that bedroom into the 4" intake with my Home Depot okay fan... If you can feed it from your AC intake from the central HVAC it will help alot and some type of booster fan would improve airflow from your duct too but a quality inline fan will definitely complement your exhaust much better...