So i deemed my plants ready for some good ol sunlight after they'd been inside for a week or so, but, the second night they were out a thunderstorm came through and battered them around, out of three only one got hurt. it was propped up and the wind hit it so hard that it bent/almost snapped over what it was propped up on, so it was hanging limply to the side. I brought that one back inside, propped it up in multiple places so that the stem is straight, and put it right under the light. I just wondered if anyone knows whether it even has a shot of recovery, the leaves are still green, although not vibrantly like the others, and i dont know if water is even reaching the top of the plant through the pinched spot. The place where it was bent is visibly thinner and slightly brown tinted. I lightly sprayed some water onto the leaves just in case. Thoughts?