So much douche and so little bag....What a joke Walter! You could at least proof read your theory and give a punctual presentation instead of sounding like a rag head!
What the fk are you doing here then?
Why has my cell phone plan monthly fee raisedif you have so much problem than restrict the forum membership. i wont have any problem. but for now i am member of this forum and have posted something most tangible or rational in this off-topic section of this forum.
Skitty is that you? If so get yer azz back to the Cabanaif you have so much problem than restrict the forum membership. i wont have any problem. but for now i am member of this forum and have posted something most tangible or rational in this off-topic section of this forum.
you are trolling here as an admin of this forum. and im within my limits. what do you want from me ? why are you disturbing me ?
and you may be an admin of this cheap forum. but you are not any government official that you can behave like this. so mind your damn business as well. for because you are an admin or even be government official of any government. but that wont give you rights to do whatever you likes to do.
What kills me is Jimmy brings his ass on a Marijuana site doesn't introduce himself like a man, and starts calling ppl drug addicts before he even knows anything about the members on here. Only Trolls do that kind of shit.
Well you are right about one thing,,, you are not important to this site and nobody gives a shit about your better-than-thou bullshit.
Or the gutter… remember that was a choice too^^^express elevator to heII
You didn’t wish to come here? did someone force you here?thank you for shifting burdon of proof upon me. but i dont love you. that is why i did not wished to come here.