Well when they patented the water method that was 5000 years old, the patent office said that it had to be 'different' water, they they added ice to the reciepie so that it was patentable. When they had to come up with a good reason for it's addition, they made one up. That's when they tried it with the fresh plant material and noticed that they had a dissaster of their hands... it's pulverized the plant matter. So they then changed it to state dry plant matter only, and ice so that it could be patented, and they combo works to take the triches off of dried plant matter... which leads to the next problem. Fresh plant matter and cold water without ice will extract more heads and stalks than the dried plant matter and water and ice and heavy duty mixing. Flame on big boy, i'll wrap ya in your shower hat
"flame" ???

.. I produce and quote facts, not some
mumbo-jumbo bull crap from some butt hurt wannabe that nobody has even heard of. How was that?..:rofl:
Honestly skunk', I am not attempting to flame or discount your beliefes. BUT.. you are stateing a few things that simply are not true, and seem to becoming frustrated in your attempt to explain/prove your claims. And THAT I can and will dispute. I have nothing against "old school" or pantyhose for that matter. (though in all honesty, I've NEVER tried a pair myself. I much preferred the 'old school' leg make up, remember that?)
If the cold water/ice method is/was "ripped off" from some unknown 5,000 years ago. Where does Joe Blow get the idea that "he" has any right to claim "infringements"??
Not that it really matters, because as far as I'm concerned, that isn't the point in question or the facts that I'm concerned with. But it seems like saying I'm going to sue BF Goodrich because they make rubber tires, when obviously some guy 10,000 years ago invented the wheel.
But beyond that. I still disagree. "YOUR" multi-bag method or perception of, must be flawed. I don't care how you use the bags. If the water passes through the 25 micron screen,
"it filters out EVERYTHING larger than 25 microns" Whether you pour the water through it or you have them 'stacked' and pull the bag up out of the water and drain it, or if you pump it through with a 5 hp briggs 'n stratton, whether they are
suspended in the water or if they sink like a rock... It still works the same way, it "filters/removes and collects" those heads, stalks, plant matter, bugs, ect. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING over 25 microns. They are NOT lost. To say that they are is simply ludicrous. I'm sorry, but like the B'bags and the panthose, that theory doesn't hold water..

I have purchased and smoked my fair share of 70' and 80's hash, so I'm not speaking from lack of experience. You aren't discussing this with a teenager. "MY" bubble hash doesn't lack in flavor or potency from my memory. And in fact, the predominate first words from anyone that has sampled my bubble hash, (directly
after the coughing, hacking, and eye wiping) is usually "WoW!!.. that
tastes GOOOOD." And I only smoke with "old heads", no youngsters in my peer group.
"Rubbed" hash, or hash collected by rubbing the plant and then scraping or rolling the collected resins from hands, also contains oils from the hands, dirt, skin, bugs, hair, ect.
Similar goes with the "old school" seived hash. Was it 'ever' collected and pressed under "clean, un-polluted" conditions? Maybe that is the lacking factor contributing to the missing flavor you seem so intent on, foreign materials...
I in no way, have a "dog in this fight", as far as 'patents', bubble bag promotion or panthose.
I don't care!....... But I am a discounting the false claim that a 25 micron bag allows particles larger than 25 microns to escape, be "lost".