whiteboy09 said:
i know this might sound dumb but what do u think would happen if u put shrooms in a blunt, lol would u trip out or get high, or both?>
I was going to reply about my first and only shroom trip (bad experience), and then read the above, and the memories came flooding back, and I remembered I had smoked some of the spores in a bong also.
I had been introduced to MJ my first year in university (way back many years ago), and in second year met a guy who became my drug-buddy experiencing with me several drugs, introducing me to LSD and shrooms with his experiences. We tripped on LSD several times which I liked (it is natural by the way: it is a fungus harvested from a certain type of wheat - but the experience is DEFINITELY NOT for everyone)...anyway, in my second year I met this shady drug-dealer, and purchased MJ from him several times. Once I went over to the nearly-abandoned frat-house where he rented room and purchased some shrooms. I decided to ingest them with him, and then either he or I suggested we also smoke the spores (don't remember). So we did. It was him, me, and another guy, and smoking it makes the effects start immediately in seconds. We had just eaten them (1/8 oz each), then smoked the remaining spores in the bag with MJ, and then we went out into the parlor to play pool. But then things started getting weird. He started saying things that made me think he was going to rape me (can't remember exactly, so long ago, I remember him saying he likes to "beat" things/people with suddenly a gay lisp). His motions and gestures became very gay and effeminate as he bent over to play pool, and I started to feel uncomfortable as a couple other guys showed up to play pool also on the one table. I wouldn't say I was being paranoid, but rather I felt a "sixth" sense or intuition (Help from God) that this was a bad situation to get out of asap. So I made an excuse to go mess around with the piano in the other room (am musician), and as I was playing I started visualing suddenly flashing around the keys like a neon sign dotted lights flashing on the piano keys. After a few minutes I returned (now closer to the main door, yet far from them to make my quick escape), said I have to go, and left. I walked home a few minutes away, played guitar all night and was crying all night - probably because of the bad experience that happened in the beginning of the trip.
LSD on the other hand was fun, with a trusted friend (so similar to shrooms, but instead of 4-6 hour trip, it was 12-16 hours) and we would trip for hours even in the bitter cold walking around all night, talking, philosophizing, enjoying the visuals and the feeling of "tripping" (only those who have done it will understand) - it feels like you are on an emotional and intellectual and philosophical "journey". Certainly neither of these drugs are for everybody.
I hear that if you drop acid more than 5 times, in the USA you are considered "legally" insane and they can institutionalize you and commit you on a whim - so never admit to dropping acid more than 5 times!