huge plat no buds

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In '99 I was in a convienence store in SoCal and bought a mag (High Times it just so happens). I handed a clerk a twenty and he hands me my change. I put the $ in my pocket, turn to leave and I feel a hand go in my pocket and take my money.
I look and walking away is a guy about 6' 3" (I'm 5' 10").
In addition he was in a lot better shape than me, and looked to be about 25 years old (I was twice that).
I thought about my options for about a second.
Should I get in a fight on the floor of a liquor store with someone who could almost certainly beat the crap out of me, who may have had a gun or knife, and who may have been high on PCP, for 15 bux?
If someone offered me $15 to wrestle with a drugged-out PCP freak on the floor of a store in downtown L.A. I would have turned him down.
So I did nothing.
I watched him leave and a few minutes later I left, and safely a block or 2 away called the police and reported it.
Because it was not worth $15 to me to end up beaten up, or knifed and lying on the floor with my blood gushing out of me, or dead.
Instead I went home, smoked a j and drank a beer.
Later that night I went back to that store to talk to my friend, night manager RayRay.
"Shit that was you?" he asked "the camera behind the counter here was smeared and I couldn't tell"
"It was me."
"How much did that ****er steal from you?"
"15 bux."
"Here" he says, and hands me a $50.

So it was either getting beaten up (at least) and STILL not get my 15 bux back, or let it be and avoid the danger (and in this case make $35.00).

And now I'm living up here in the woods and grow marijuana legally. The other guy? Who knows, prob. in prison or dead.
LOL cool story I wasnt being mad or mean or anything got to belive me
on that one im just sayin that my rights say that I can/could shoot some
one if i feel treatened so thats all i was saying no hard feelings righ? I have
ALOT of respect for you and have heard some great things about you!
I dont think you should be able to own a weapon if you cant spell.

My 2 cents.

As for the first post, if your trying to rob it i hope its a plant that can kill you.


Nice stories ganja, always entertaining.
Well... This has been going on Long enough.... No matter how you handle the situation... be it violence or letting karma take over.. that person is still gonna get what they deserve... However being how I am .. Violence isn't the key.. So how about we try a new angle... Can we somehow find the theives and... say... Plant something in their car.. and report them.. for something stupid... *and then a bout of MPS* Shut up you dork... yeah like planting an 8 ball and a baggie of weed in their car and a few of your personal items then callin them in stolen is really gonna help.. Oh can it pranic.. you think your so slick... always soo good with the ladies.. always the one with the answer to everything... for once let me talk.... NO, I'm right your wrong.. Oh ok pranic whatever you say... Your a pushover... Pranic thats mean... No it's true.. Ok yeah your right... hear those voices pranic? 2 ;)
mutt is right were beating a dead horse me and everyone has just as much emotions toward people stealing there plant as they do stealing there pets or other belongings . i say the best way to keep the teens or thiefs out is to find there isp add. and report them to local law enforcement that would cut alot of bs out in here.and maybe save a few farmers there crops.
i got my plants stolen on my first grow. they were only 50 yards from my house in a feild. every morning i would look at their beautifal tops as i drove off to work. well one morning i did a double take but refused to believe they were gone so i just went to work as normal. well of course i came back to find them all snapped off at the base.

i went through and range of emotions and i had a good idea who had stolen them but i just chalked it up and learned from it. now if someone wants my plants they can have them, if they can find them;) . also if you do grow the last thing you want to do is retaliate over a few plants. that just draws attention to yourself. just take it as a life lesson and your grows will be safe and secure in the future if you take the time and the effort to do it right.
Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. However, in business we often try other strategies with dead horses, including the following:

1. Buying a stronger whip.
2. Changing riders.
3. Say things like, "This is the way we have always ridden this horse."
4. Appointing a committee to study the horse.
5. Arranging to visit other sites to see how they ride dead horses.
6. Increasing the standards to ride dead horses.
7. Appointing a tiger team to revive the dead horse.
8. Creating a training session to increase our riding ability.
9. Comparing the state of dead horses in todays environment.
10. Change the requirements declaring that "This horse is not dead."
11. Hire contractors to ride the dead horse.
12. Harnessing several dead horses together for increased speed.
13. Declaring that "No horse is too dead to beat."
14. Providing additional funding to increase the horse's performance.
15. Do a Cost Analysis study to see if contractors can ride it cheaper.
16. Purchase a product to make dead horses run faster.
17. Declare the horse is "better, faster and cheaper" dead.
18. Form a quality circle to find uses for dead horses.
19. Revisit the performance requirements for horses.
20. Say this horse was procured with cost as an independent variable.
21. Promote the dead horse to a supervisory position.
come on to my property to steel from me and you get what you get ,,i work to hard for what i have to have some low life steel it,,someone lost, UPS, mailman, neighbor small children ,will have no proplems the front half of my property is open to everyone,,to enter my back yard you need to go thru three fences ,so if your in my back yard and im not there you dog food also in live in south fla.what the dogs dont eat i will feed to the alligators .no police no proplem,,,no one Perches peace and love more than me ,but steel from me and we got a proplem ,i dont know what state you live in but here in the south we dont play that shit,,,,anyway peace,big love and rastafari ,,,,,,,,,
i dont care how old and out of shape you are.if you let someone take your money like that you a punk ,an old out of shape punk but still a punk
Hick said:
Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.
Hick, you're killin me man!

hey man ive found a couple of plants in the middle of a field before by accident and who wouldnt take them. to the guy who posted this thread the plant just hasnt entered the budding stage. judging by the size of it it is probably going to start soon and flower for a good 6 to 8 weeks so make sure you have some where safe to keep it. and hey the guy never said he went into anyones back yard or n e thing he just found a plant.
051181 said:
i dont care how old and out of shape you are.if you let someone take your money like that you a punk ,an old out of shape punk but still a punk

A punk huh?
Tell you what sporto, I'd rather be here, growing pot and alive enough to hear some kiddie call me a punk than lying dead on the floor of a liquor store, fool. You want to go 1 on 1 with a dusted armed thief, be my guest.
You want to spend years in prison for assaulting someone who stole your stuff, be my guest.
Guess which one of us will be kicked back with friends in The Triangle and who will be bent over a bunk bed in prison as someone's bitch.

Bottom line: pot doesn't grow wild. If you find pot growing, 99% chance someone else planted it, and if you take it you're a low life scum bag theif, same as the person who stole my money.
I've come across secret grows by accident and I've never stolen anyone else's stuff, 'cause stealing is wrong.
your less than a man sporto ,and i dont think you understand your were his bitch
Go ahead son, learn the hard way.

You may never live long enough to "get it".
REAL men choose their fights wisely. REAL men know it's foolish to lose your life over $15.
You may never live long enough to realize you don't fight a bigger, stronger, possibly armed, probably mentally ill person impervious to pain over a coupla bucks.
OK, think this has gone far enough. Let's not be name calling folks, no need for that kind of immaturity.
Though I doubt that I would have been capable of handleing/controling myself in such a manner, Ganja's action showed wisdom and foresight. Hopefully the big guy spent the $ on a bad bag o' black tar and died an excrutiating painfull death. (KARMA)

What matters, is that we agree that stealing is wrong, and refrain, ourselves.
Whether it be $15 outta' some poor old bastards pocket at the liquor store or a seemingly rogue plant in a feild or an expensive microphone from a court room, which had to be repplaced with taxpayer money.
If it's not "yours", keep yer peter tongs off it.
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