Oh yes, i agree, i decided to include the first step for persons that maybe need to post an old photo that they took before they disallowed the geo location feature
but i explained it in a way that make it seems to be a necessary step so, thanks for have clarified it.
When i browse web sites and forums from my iPhone i never chose their mobile versions because they lack too many contents if compared to the normal web pages
but this is just me. And even if i don't need it i think it's a good idea to forward this request to the web master, he can make a backup of the SQL server and plan a downtime to be sure that users will not post nothing that could be lost during the experiments
if something goes wrong he will restore the forum exactly as it was before the upgrade. Most hosting service nowadays automatically makes daily and weekly backups of all the files of their customers
but well, your web master surely knows better than me how his server works. Just say to him to do not smoke during the entire process
Wow, the famous big crash must have been a shocking event, i understand why you all so scared to touch the forum engine
anyway, i just read that Tapatalk needs at least the version 3.6 of this forum to work so the job would be to upgrade the forum engine and then to install the plugin. (hXXp://www.tapatalk.com/faq.php)