how to tell when your kids are ready to start smokin

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Mar 13, 2007
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for most of you on here that have kids or planning on having kids we figured out how to gauge when your kids are ready to smoke pot. (espically if you have daughters, cuz if they dont smoke then they drink and thats much worse)

materials needed:
pvc pipe about 2.0-3.5" in dia. 3-4' L
drill or hole makeing device
stem piece (bowl from bong)
probaly a saw

take the pvc pipe and cut it so its the same length as your arm
(from wrist to arm pit)
drill a hole in it just barley bigger then stem
put stem in hole on pvc pipe

congrats you have a ghetto steam roller

tell your kids that you will let them smoke (or whatever rules you enstate) when they are big enough to smoke from your steam roller

**for girls i would use the length of the mothers arm**
HAHAHA.LOL.Seems pretty funny! But hey>you got a point>you wanna smoke weed?Then you gotta be able to do it all methods.LOL
What if your child was a midget?

Or had no arms,

or lips???

any photoshops out there???LOL
Maybe I'm missing something here, but smoking pot is adult behavior. As a father of 2 kids it is hard for me to imagine I would have "teach" my kids how to engage in this behavior. Hmmmm...maybe I will need to "teach" my daughter how to how to **** when she is 16 too.
theyorker said:
Maybe I'm missing something here, but smoking pot is adult behavior. As a father of 2 kids it is hard for me to imagine I would have "teach" my kids how to engage in this behavior. Hmmmm...maybe I will need to "teach" my daughter how to how to **** when she is 16 too.

Yes, I agree a very stupid thread...bad joke or something.

I don't feel anyone should be 'required' or 'instructed' to smoke MJ.
I agree 100%. Only a tard would teach their kid how to smoke. ;)
I guess im the only one who sees the underlying humour/anti pot element :confused:
caribbean_smoker_20 said:
I guess im the only one who sees the underlying humour/anti pot element :confused:

I think if it was a was posted in the wrong area. This MJ news?
sounds like someone has smoked too much pot .... and i hope this person doesn't breed.. another one that should be scratched from the food chain.


Smoking should be kept to those 18-up....
well coming from a 19 year old who smokes, whos mom smokes... my whole life growing up i could remember knowing my mom smoked and i hated it. i don't know why, but i felt like it was something so wrong for a m0m to smoke.. especially mine. as the years went on my older brother started smokin in like 8th or 9th grade and soon he and my mom were smoking together. i dont even know how to describe the anger i would feel at just the thought of it. Moving forward some, i was in my high school days and had a lot of friends who smoked and i still chose not to. the worst part was, my whole life i must have smoked weed 2 or 3 times tops at this point, and i was still being labeled by my dad constantly that i'm a pot head and a drug addict because of who my friends were, wheni was being as honest as i could be with him. well i finished high school and i would say the following week after graduation, i figured i did what i had to do, i got through high school, now its time to party, and the smoking never stopped. i'd say i'm at about 4 to 7 grams a day worth of smoking. well the point of this long *** post is that, kids are gonna do what they want and go by how they feel. i didnt smoke because i wanted something better for myself, i didnt wanna forget high school cuz i was highed up all the time. with my kids.. they wil be educated on everything.. they will know the consequences and the responsibility for their actions. i'll just remeber to give my kids the respect and trust they deserve, like i thought i was entitled to
damn...sorry for the long post guys.. you know how it is once you get to typing.. i'll try to keep em a lil shorter.. aight lata
not funny and posted in the wrong area for sure. But it's a great conversation starter. I grew up in a dominantly mormon comunity with no bars, no clubs, liqure store only open 2 days a week, if your not mormon your not welcome. Hell, the mormons had 4th of july moved to the 6th so it wouldnt interfere with Sunday services a few years ago. The city had the fireworks on tuesday so not to interupt late sunday services. My favorite place to party was in the next city over because there were loads of mormon girls going to live in the dorms at the college. Since the great mormon church agree's to SHELTER they're children, when they see the real world at 18 they go flippn nuts. The best parties I've been to have been at the dorms or at the college frat houses right after school starts. These mormon kids soak it up!! pot, beer, sex...all because it was a sin to play house in elementary school and an abomination to experiment w/ pot or alchohol in highschool. I see it the same way with kids and pot smoking. I have a good friend that openly smokes in front of his kids and doesnt lie to them. The kids are good kids and one grew up to be a pot smokn band member who makes more money than most of us here, i'm sure. One is still in school and has a college fund. Oh and by the way Mr. Wakeandbake, Thats one hell of a hurtfull statement man!!!
The bottom of the gene pool
Really, how would you tell if your kids are ready to smoke? I am less than 1 week away from turning 18 but have been smoking pot for the past year on a regular basis. I tried smoking regularly when I was 14 but my grades started to decline so I stopped. I started smoking again around the end of my 1st quarter of senior year and my grades actually went up! (especially my art grade lol). I don't do any other drugs (I tried coke, did E a couple times at raves), and I know exactly how/where my pot is grown.

I keep on thinking that I wouldn't want my son/daughter to be smoking when they are my age, but I think that I am able to because I am mature about it. I think it should be 18 or older if it is legalized, so I guess I am a huge hypocrite. I also drink, but only the nice stuff (sip good tequilas and gin). I would have my siblings take a test over pot, the good and the bad to make sure they were aware about it. I am too open with my mom and told her since the first day I smoked pot. She caught me smoking it earlier this year after she thought I didn't do it anymore and made me write her a 2 page essay telling her why I should be able to smoke, best thing a parent could do. I found out the good and the bad sides of pot, scientific and theoretical.

How would you determine when you should be able to smoke?
First-Off, As A Parent, I Love My Kids. After They Turn 18. And They've Gotten there own Place, Have a Job, They Can Do Whatever They Want. "Looks Good On Paper, Orville, But..." Let's Get Real Here Folks, We Don't Want Our Kids doing Anything, But Makeing Good Grades and Makeing Us Proud.:D As Parents, We Don't Want them Smokeing Anything, We Don't Want Them Snorting Anything, Keep That Damn Music Down, And No *****'in Sex Until They Get Married. Just Like Our Parents Did. Ouch..:eek: That Hits Close to the Bone. What We Want, And What Our Kids Do When They'er Out with Frends or By Themselves, Depends On How We Infullence Them as Best We Can. By Being Honest, By Treating Them Fairly,and Listening to Them. There's Nothing Wrong With Being Frends With Your Kids, But Be A Parent First, There Frend Second. If You Think Your Kid's Toke'in, Who Would You Want Explaining It to Them? The People Who've Been Smokeing With Them, Some "Guidance Counceler" at School, Or Worst Case...Law Enforcement.:eek: Keep It Simple, Smokey. The Younger, The Easyer,"Some People Smoke To Relax, Some Smoke To Be Social, Some People To Feel Better, And Alot Of People Just Plain Like Smokeing It." ":bong: Don't Start "Show and Tell" And breaking-out Your Bong Collection. Don't Get Your Kid's High. But Talk Straight to Them, And Leave It On An " It's Something Grown-Ups Do, Don't Do It Until You're Older. O.K.? Plus If You Got Caught Now,You Would Get In "Serious Trouble" And Explain. It's Hard To Talk To Your Kids SomeTimes, But Who Else Do You Want Talking to Them?:D

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