How many of you also smoke cigarettes?

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i´ve smoked since i was about 8yrs old.i don´t really like it though and i don´t believe that anyone else does either.what i do like is the relief from the addiction, it doesn´t taste nice, it doesnt relieve stress (except the stress that cigs give you when you´ve not smoked for a while) it makes you a social pariah. You check out smokers, do they look happier? more relaxed? more confident? All the excuses smokers (including me) give for smoking are all many of the smokers on here have been eating a great meal in a top restaurant but not enjoying it , just waiting for that smoke at the end?i know i have.cigs are bull**** i´ll give up hopefully before it gives me up but for now i´m off to the car to get my pack.
AMEN Sombro. I been smoking for 18 yrs. Worst, stupid-ass mistake I ever did was start this rediciously expensive habit. It doesn't do chit except make me cough in my sleep and can't run as fast with my kids. I'll keep trying but MY GOD quitting is about the hardest damn thing. I turn into a raging psychaotic when I try. Stupid ass cigs.
i dont smoke anything but weed lol i tried a cig once and the smoke was a lot harder to inhale than marijuana, it seemed like the smoke was thicker and it hurts when u inhale so i was like f dat
Im actually like Fluid1 because I also like to enjoy a cigarette after smoking herb. I smoke about half a pack a day which isnt so bad, My hubby and I smoke a pack a day between the two of us.
One a day they can cause cancer, so yes, cigarette smoking IS bad. I used to make up all kinds of excuses to smoke them. After a meal, after I start drinking and catch a buzz, after I smoked a bowl, and the list got larger and larger over the 3 years I smoked. I finally quit working downtown and along with that I quit cigarettes at the beginning of '06. I can take full breathes again, and my Dr. said that it reduces your likelyhood of getting cancer by a lot. I suggest cigarette smokers to stop, I have watched 2 friends die from them while holding my hand in the hospital, it isn't a pretty site.
My dad has the beginning stages of emphysema and he won't quit. He is a kidney dialysis patient and doesn't have a bladder or a prostate. He says smoking is the 1 thing the Drs can't take from him. It breaks my heart. His health is already lowsey enough.

But cig smoker or not, I still love all you guys. :D I'll just beat ya up the big hill. Hehe.

couple more days and i am at 6 months cigarette free :D
LdyLunatic said:
couple more days and i am at 6 months cigarette free :D
Congrats Lady! Cigs are hard to quit. I smoked for most of my life and when I had my bypasses, I STILL SMOKED! Until my doc said he was going to drop ME! He said "Why should I wasted my time trying to make you live longer if you're just going to work against me?"

He was right. I quit. It's been 8 years now.

He doesn't like the weed either but I do have my limits.
yup, i quit fer 3 hours today. i had a nap. flicked my bic just now. sorry im an addict.
The only time I smoke cigarettes is when I am without weed. Disgusting smelly things. lets hope we don't run out o weed :eek:
i take it that 1, you smoke american yuckies tobacco and 2, you havent smoked skunk yet?

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