How did your parents find out you toked.

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i started smoking in '99 for spasms and after about 3 months i sat at my mothers table and told her. she was very upset b/c this was against everythng she taught me, morally and religously. she knew how bad my spasticity was and that baclofen, valium, zanaflex didnt work for me. i hadnt smoked in a few hrs so my legs were really spastic and after explaining how cannabis works i pulled out my one hitter and took 2 hits and within 5 min no spasms. she couldnt deny the effects so we discussed it some more and she wanted to know the legal trouble i could be in. i told her that it was something i am willing to risk. now 10 years later she and the rest of my immediate family understands that im trading one risk for the other with this hobbie. i guess that i am lucky that i can be honest with the ones i see every day, im not one to lie.

i know there are those who will say im foolish for letting them know but if i get caught ill fight it on a medical defense.
Drove home drunk when I was 16 in the early 90's. Folks smelled booze on my breath, freaked out (rightfully so for driving drunk). Went to get keys from my car and saw my bong laying on the back seat.

That was when my dad decided I would be a manual laborer for his construction company so he could keep his eye on me.

Little did he know that his other laborers smoked every lunch break and hooked me up with better buds at better prices.:D
I was like 14 so that wld make it 1982 and I lost a nickel bag in the house and back then in my area nickel bags were huge and came in manila envelopes not a clear for 2 days I prayed I lost it outside and not in the house...then I came home from school on the 3rd day and my Mom greeted me by slamming me into the fridge and then showing me the weed I my *** whooped that day...
It was the summer of my 7th grade year when i first smoked some good stuff. It was also the first time i can ever remember being on an even keel :D but i wasn't "found out" until probably middle of my freshman year of H.S. We (my bad seed friends) and i had been rocking parties and getting into trouble for a while for kicks is how my parent's had to have become knowledgeable of what i was doing. There was no confrontation (because i knew that they both did, among other things) but getting that i smoked out of me was easy. I had come home late (as usual) form a party to a cloud of dank smoke in the house both my parents were sitting there :stoned: and my mom asks me if i had any papers. With out thinking i just pulled them out of my pocket, flipped them across the room and my sack came out too, flopped right out on the floor in front of them. I was told not in the house, not to be advertising it to the rest of my friends that they were OK because they did it too or anything like that. Then i was made to roll the J and we all smoked it up. To this day my mom still smokes with me when ever shes out and shes only one of 3 people who know i grow, not a security risk IMO the only 3 (non MP) folks who know are me my mom and my wife :rofl: I should have never told my mom because now she thinks that just for giving birth to me that shes entitled to free weed!! :D
They dont know :D funny thing is i know my dad smokes but he doesnt know i know nor that i smoke. my mom is the only one who doesnt smoke in the family but doesnt know everyone else does lol.
Well it was 82 and i was in Jr high, and me and a friend had smoked right before we went to school it was his first time and he made it to the second hour of school and he freaked and got all paranoid. So the next thing i knew the vice principle called me to his office and had me empty out my pockets (knew i was screwed right then) i still had a J on me for the walk home after school, and wouldnt ya know it the darn thing poped right out on his desk. Suspended my arse for 2 weeks and called my parents, on the way home the only thing my parents asked was where i got it. so i told them "from your stash." when i got home i got the beating of my life from my dad and it was not for smokeing, it was for stealing from them.

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