How accurate/reliable are the home-based drug tests?

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Jun 22, 2006
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Specifically this one....

I just took it and passed.

I found out today I'll have to take a drug test in the next 4-5 days as part of the process of me going from PT to FT at work. I'm not a regular smoker by any means, maybe 2-3 times a month at the most. I've smoked two times in the past month or so. I smoked (reggs) six days ago for the first time in a month and then the day after that I smoked (some good chit) again, and haven't smoked since. Like I said, I just took the above test and passed, but i dunno how accurate/reliable it is. Any input would be much appreciated!
The best I can tell this device should be accurate. It doesn't say anything about cutoff levels in the description, does it say anything about cutoff levels inside the package?
Yes, in the instructions it does...

Marijuana (THC) Cut-off Concentrations (ng/ml)

Immunoassay - 50
GC/MS - 15

Is that good or bad? :) Thanks!
Good, meaning it is probably reliable. 50 ng/ml will clear you if you are in a room of smokers or like smoked one time in a period of week/month, depending on the individual's metabolism...:cool:
Awesome...thanks for the confidence boost :) I'm going in for the test this Wednesday.
you're good bro..don't sweat it..those tests are pretty good.
motorbox said:
Awesome...thanks for the confidence boost :) I'm going in for the test this Wednesday.

You should not have any worries, good luck :cool:
how dark was your line for this same test? mine is very very faint....barely there...thanks!
oh yeh-will you let me know how your test goes? i have one thursday....good luck!!
I found out today that I don't have to take the drug test after all. The email I was sent about the PT to FT process was full of incorrect info.

luve my maddy said:
how dark was your line for this same test? mine is very very faint....barely there...thanks!

My line wasn't faint, but it wasn't real bold either. If you used the same test as I did, the instructions say that getting any line, no matter how faint, means the test is negative.
You are right, seen it many times, if it is a line, faint or dark, it has to be a line, a lab test will show the same urine sample as neg...

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