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Hippy those plants are in one of my aero boxes growing happily !-- I got some more I wanted to start !--Maybe I just do that !-- I germ them in those foam blocks and when they tall enough to get one of my foam collars I tear the block away and move it to aero !
D.D. bout to set it off in East Texas !-- U know I been thinking! -- The oil industry has really slowed around here !-- Lots of nice warehouses sitting idle !-- Many just about perfect for a grow !-- I need me one kinda out of the way and non descript !-- I feel the need to expand !-- Sure would be nice to be sitting on a nest egg ! -- I'm a grow junkie !
So my new room is 8 feet wide and 11 feet long with 7 foot ceilings on one side and 10 foot ceiling on the other side The fiancé got the last coat of mud on tonight so sand and paint tomorrow can't wait for this room to be done then 2 more to go hope everyone's having a good night for me it's time to kick back and puff a few
What is the bet way to make hash at home and then what is The easiest way to make hash
Man what away to be woke up. My Miniature schnauzer had a siezure. It was horrible to watch. Never seen him have one before. Hes okay now. I gave him a little oil,,i hope it helps. My Wife was crying and freaking out. My Son and Daughter in law were freaking out,,,all of them looking for me to fix it. Like im some kinda of Veterinarian. I held him till it stopped. I then gave him some syrup and some oil. Now he and everybody else is asleep, ,and im awake. Oh well time for some coffee.
morning ofc time for coffee and a bowl.

budlight there are many ways to make hash. i myself make iso and let it air dry. i think it is hippie that uses bubble bags and a cement mixer.

hopper sorry to hear about the dog.
In the mess on my last ship we had a professional expresso machine and a water purifier that fed it. These days I grind my own beans, a 50-50 blend of Dark Columbian and sumptin' else, my mind is drawing a blank.......need another toke.....:48:

i'm a plank owner to the frank cable as40, we had lots of things like tv's in the birthing areas but we didn't have no espresso machine. i was a machinist mate from the engine room.
I am a coffee-ologist. To me its more about the beans than it is how strong you make it. I am a huge fan of kopi luwak coffee. I had to stop drinking it because of the price. I was on an outback tour of farms in the DR and we saw some coffee plantations. The tour guide asked what is the best coffee? I say, kopi luwak....he says, Columbian? I said No, cat poop coffee. But Blue Mountain coffee is awesome from Jamaica.

I am a coffee snob for sure. I order my coffee from Kauai Coffee. I like the Peaberries or the Poipu Estate type. Made in the USA.

Mmm good!



i am too, folgers black silk, strong. lol
Morning O.F.C. !-- Giggy they were out of my coffee at the store and I'm drinking Black Silk this morning !

Hopper man that is tough about the pup !-- Nothing U can do but it sure takes a lot out of U !--

Hash ?-- Depends of How much weed U gonna shake !-- Yeah Giggy Hippie 420 had that red cement mixer for bubble hash !-- Wait till the dead of winter so he wouldn't even have to buy ice !-- Turn his whole outside crop into hash ! -- I just shake some trim by hand !--
Dam where's my pipe !-- Another cup of coffee !
Good morning....do I need to show my kanga can again....got 94 grams of golden fuzz a few days ago myself, 1/2 gram is way more than plenty to medicate me. Still refining the carts, getting close but not exactly where I want....gonna do an ETOH wash, freeze off and then evap so that I'm mixing just oil with oil, much easier to just use one form of liquid measure....and more concentrated too so can get the cart potency way up. Still like the CO2 / BHO carts and will be getting a few more in a bit, well just until I can get 100% self sufficient. Hope everyone has a great day. Peace
Morning O.F.C.,Keef you use dry ice in that shake??
First puff...Tea, I be alright....:48:
Yeah Keef it is tough to watch. You feel helpless watching your dog whom is like one of your children have a seizure. Seems okay now.
Morning folks,,,hope yall have a great day.
Cane -- Nope !-- run the weed thru the blender dump it into the bag and shake !-- Gonna get me one of those Kanga Cans Kraven got !-- Shaking by hand is a lot of work !--
Kraven -- Next time U make an extract try mixing it somewhere between 1 to 1 and 1 to 2 !-- When U combine the 2 ---put it in the microwave and carefully bring the mix up to a boil !--It will mix much easier and more thoroughly !--If it's not potent enough U can add more extract just mix more shatter into it in the microwave !-- Need to try adding some refined coconut oil to the shatter !--Just enough to make it flow !
I know about puppy children Hopper !-- U don't spit into the wind or pull on Superman's cape ---U kick one of my dogs ?--We got nothing more to talk about !-- I be on U like white on rice !
Umbra -- THCA crystals ? -- First I would like to express that I hate U for doing this to me !-- One picture and I'm still burning out brain cells!-- U bastid !--- My mind say isomerize to turn all cannabinoids into THC !-- If it can then be acidified to turn it into THCA then we on it ! -- I need to know more about THC acetate too !-
This hurts my head !-- Where's my pipe ? --
My dane is acting like I forgot him outside. The pitbull is sunning herself. I kicked the cats out too, yeah its peaceful round here. I installed a new porcelain throne yesterday. Walked in to find the tank leaking,lower section was cracked where the tank mounts. Then this morning I replaced the wick in the kerosene heater. Mrs dog got bacon frying. Fixing to roll me a fattie.
Kraven, thank you. A little guidance helps so much.
Hopper, I hope your baby is ok. We do love our pets. We forget we are also animals. We just have thumbs and the uncanny knack for going against mother nature. Lol
Weed hopper I am really sorry to hear that absolutely heartbreaking I can kind of relate to how you guys feel I had my Chow chow for 14 years he was my best friend went with me everywhere did everything with me the only time I wasn't with him was when I was work one night he had a stroke right in front of me it was pretty horrible to see I hope your little buddy is going to be OK I would definitely be giving him a dose of CBD oil every day hope The rest of your weekend goes OK

Hope everyone else is off to a good start this morning
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