Just typed a paragraph, took a toke, looked & it was gone! Damn! Anyways, waking & baking finally! And, I got in bed before midnight! But, I had a mild headache. Woke at 0340 with a serious migraine. Luckily, with a heat pack & my migraine med I was able to shake it in less than 2 hours. You'd think after 50 years I would be able to stop them before they get so bad; sometimes I can & when I get the botox treatments regular I can actually function using my migraine med if i get one. My Neurologist is working on approval with my new insurance; hope it won't be much longer. Without it, I'll start having them more frequent & they get more intense. My mom & GM tried to commit suicide because of migraines & I surely understand! Keef be napping in his recliner. Hey Rose, I've been trying to conquer these root aphid-looking bugs; the nematodes seem to be the best @ dealing with them. It's hard to get them with sprays since they hide. Had some spidermites a couple of years ago when we started & nearly wiped us out before I fixed that problem! Rarely do I see them back & I always catch them early & take care of them before they get bad. I'd much rather deal with them than these root bugs. Umbra, don't you just love that TE? It's one if my favorites. Took us a while to build some stock out of her, but we got it! Ok, enough chatter from me! Good afternoon everyone! WH, no weed hopping!