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Umbra that Dog gonna be hurten for certain passing lobster shells. Ouchhhhhh
Finally moving about some. Happy 16 to you too Rose! Saw that me, Keef, & Hippie were up to see the new year in last night. Hope everyone has a high & prosperous new year!
Umbra, nothing like waking up in the am, and then your like " wth is that SMELL?!". Then it hits yiu, you been smelling that all night long. Lol.
My father in law came over at daybreak and I put a set of wheel bearings and ball joints on his truck. I pulled my back last night in the shower. Right shoulder close to the center of my back. Supposed to go riding today, think I'll make a test run and see if I should stay home. Sometimes working it over males it loosen up.
Fixing to light a J. Glad to see we all made it through last year. Y'all had some hard breaks last year. I know I did.
Dam U Rose !--I read it !-- I ways suspected suspected THC would degrade into CBDs with age but I think I understand better now !-- Amber is not always best !--That throws a kink into everything !-- We don't even understand the plant chemistry and how it do what it do !--I'm convinced that during aging some chemistry continues --certainly in CBD production !-- Entourage Effect !--I knew I didn't make it up !--Complicated plant we got here !--Rose U keep giving me headaches !--Don't stop !--
2 varieties test the same percent THC --yet one will get U higher !--Entourage Effect !--Which in a simple way means the different cannabinoids and terepines complement each other in a way that produces a more desirable effect than just percentage of THC!--Complicated stuff that we been doing like Kentucky windage !--Judging weed by the buzz !
Dang giggy, I have to ride about 65 miles one way to get happy frog soil.
Giggy --U.P.S. brought me a bag of Happy Frog last week !--I don't buy grow stuff locally if I don't have to !-- -Hey Umbra ---That BPU-X-BLUEBERRY BLAST U bred ?-- It has a nice blueberry smell starting about week 6 !---U did good !-but -I got a breeding pair and I'll be keeping it !--
Umbra I didn't mean to give the impression I was gonna take your work and call it mine !-- Trips done fathered seed from the T.E. and a few from my pink line Widow !--Same mother as Giggy's Tranquil Widow !--I have U a half dozen or so seed put up for U Giggy from Trips on the T.E. !-- They still drying but they yours !--If I replace Trips with another male it will probably be a boy from Trips on the T.E. ! --but no time soon !-- Got a group to move to bloom today !--First time in a long time I'll have more than I need for bloom !
Sounds good Hippie, i am cleaning up the dump... messy christmas... I am hungry..thinking turkey turkey tetrazzini with left overs.
O- Thanks for reminding me, better look around for Dinner :confused2:.......
Got a pot of Black eyed peas in the crock pot !--Gave D.D. some caps and knocker her out !--She napping !--I might !--I do what I want !--Giggy -The plants I moved from Rose's seed starting mix straight into aero are doing better than the ones still in frog dirt !---I coulda got by without the Happy Frog but since I got it I might as well learn to grow in it !-- I'll keep one of each in dirt !--
I just ate Blackeyed Peas and Cabage,,,,keep your distance,,that Cabage can really work on yas. Lol
Yea I'm watching Fla / Mich right now...that's my idea of nap time, sorta one eye closed.
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