Home of the Old Fart's Club

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What up Woodhippy,Ness and Bud. Hope your grows are the bomb.
I have one more day in Shreveport and that US Attorneys floor will be done. I hung over 3000 yds of 54" Vinyl on that bastage..
Heading to Little Rock Arkansas next week when im done in Shreveport.
Thank You Trump,,,,,yehaaaaaaaa
See yall after while. Gotta run some errands whilst im home.
What up Hopper ? --U know I miss U Cuz !-- U can't even take edibles ? -- I don't even want to think about it !

I got 2 gallons of Strawberry brandywine and a gallon of coconut that did not meet D.D.'s strick standards !-- Guess I'm build me a still next couple days and just cook it off !-- I don't have a still but McGiver ain't got nothing on Keef !-- I'm need a thump keg and a worm and I have the stuff I need on hand ! -- Also got 5 gallons of Strawberry /Cherry Wine needs to be froze off ! --Growing weed and making liquor at the beach ?-- It's a hard life but I manage !
I ain't finding the Stoner Ranch where I want it for the price I want !-- Gonna have to expand the search !
I'm where I wanted to be with the pharm before the move !-- We getting close and I need a place to kick it with the grow !-- Until then I be working with this cap heat press I got coming and mastering this 710 thing !
What was the time on that !-- We heating up the still !-- Had to skip the thump keg but that's not a problem !
The sacrifice of the first 10% to the gods of distilling is mandatory or U kill people !
What up Hopper ? --U know I miss U Cuz !-- U can't even take edibles ? -- I don't even want to think about it !

I got 2 gallons of Strawberry brandywine and a gallon of coconut that did not meet D.D.'s strick standards !-- Guess I'm build me a still next couple days and just cook it off !-- I don't have a still but McGiver ain't got nothing on Keef !-- I'm need a thump keg and a worm and I have the stuff I need on hand ! -- Also got 5 gallons of Strawberry /Cherry Wine needs to be froze off ! --Growing weed and making liquor at the beach ?-- It's a hard life but I manage !

Honestly Bro i really dont miss it. I miss my cold beer in the evening more then i do weed. I have never been one that lets anything control me. I am OCD and a control freak. I have to feel in control of things are i get really pissed . All i know is i now have more control of my AFIB. I have only had a few flutters since i stopped smoking and drinking and taking my Lopressor. I only take half my dose 3 times a day. Cant take full dosses are i wouldnt be able to function. I take 12.5 grams 3 times a day. Most are on 50, 100 to 300 grams a day. My resting HR is between 50 and 70. My BP is bout 107/67. I have had my BP as low as 97/60,,but i still feel okay. I feel pretty good at work,,so all is good so far. Im gonna try and lower my dose to 12.5 twice a day later ,,once i feel comfortable to do so. Freaking AFIB will scare the **** out of you so its nothing i wanna screw around with to much. Lol
Man, I been mowing the yard today. It is sooooooo muggy. Only 78 degrees but I lost 2 lbs. in sweat and thats after drinking two cold ones. I really need to get off my bum and fix my riding lawnmower. On the brighter side, I paid a guy a 1/4 oz. of Nurse Larry to weed wack my river bank. Not sure who made out on that deal although he was a VERY HAPPY camper.
Evening OFC Made the drive from FT Worth to Mid Mo. in 10 hr. Hopper good to see ya. Glad your doing whats best for you. Giggy The Original male is forming pollen Sacks, And I found a Bluedawg boy also. I will pm a link about it. Got a couple Unhappy campers in Veg. But all in all not bad. I will take GDP X BPU tomorrow.
Been busy as a one legged man in a kick fight !-- Playing with the pressure and temp on my new 'sheen while keeping an eye on the still !-- Got the head cooked off so now we making Strawberry Shine ! --Time for a pipe !

Hippy glad U made it home !--U gonna have to go back to work to rest up !

Nick that's the way to work ! -- Da Nurse be good medicine too !
Evening O.F.C. !-- Watching the news !-- 2 terms ? --- Hopper always could make me laugh !-- -I see they fixed health care this week !--Maybe next week we will build a wall ? --If it's O.K. with Vlad ?

Face is pissing me off !-- I'm take some sinus medicine and go to bed !
Evening O.F.C. !-- Watching the news !-- 2 terms ? --- Hopper always could make me laugh !-- -I see they fixed health care this week !--Maybe next week we will build a wall ? --If it's O.K. with Vlad ?

Face is pissing me off !-- I'm take some sinus medicine and go to bed !

Yep,,,ya was laughing the 1st time too,,now it aint so funny A.
Keep on laughing,,works for me. Mark my Word,,my boy Trump will be President for 8 yrs.
I remember how funny it was when i seen the faces of all those morons on CNN when he won. Now that was funny. :rofl:
By the way,,dont get mad at me bout Politics. Ive done some reading and noobody seems to give two shits about the rules ,,so why should i? Lets have some fun since Weedhopper makes you laugh. Lol
Even Fox News has come out and said Trump is a liar and he and his campaign should have simply told the truth about their Russian contacts. Fox News Hopper, not Fake News. And even Fox News thinks that the lying is to cover up even more criminal actions. Don Jr admitted to treason or were his own words just more Fake News. Trump = Jonestown. You going to drink the koolaid Hopper?
Even Fox News has come out and said Trump is a liar and he and his campaign should have simply told the truth about their Russian contacts. Fox News Hopper, not Fake News. And even Fox News thinks that the lying is to cover up even more criminal actions. Don Jr admitted to treason or were his own words just more Fake News. Trump = Jonestown. You going to drink the koolaid Hopper?

Nooooo,,,not someone in politics lying. Lol,,,Everyone one of those asshats in office lie. I could give a crap Umbra about the Russia ****. Again,,hide and watch,,he will Win again. You guys thought i was full of crap the 1st time too. You like Nancy Peeloser do ya,,,,he he.
And i dont drink coolaid,,too much suger. :rofl:
I knew i could get Umbra going,,,yehaaaaaa
Morning O.F.C. !--
Kinda hard to govern when he got a 36 % approval rating and a criminal investigation hanging over his head ! -- Can't even unite his own party and get anything done !-- He sure ain't nothing to be proud of !-- The first job of any politician is to keep his job when something threatens that --like being tied to a unpopular president they will abandon him to keep they job !
Morning Keef,,,did DD get you a Scooter? That old Cushman would be my choice. I rode one of those when i was a kid. Now that would be a beach bike.
As for Politics,,,dont yall get all butt hurt. Im just having some fun. I aint to worried bout it. Life works itself out. I gotta go mow my yard. Ill be back to mess wit ya later. Yehaaaaa
I know that's right Hopper !-- We just live in this world !-- We working on replacing the Scoot !-- We also in the process of filing for my SS !-- Figured out how to buy the Stoner Ranch and keep the beach house !
Lots going on for what looks like nothing going on !-- Gonna be tricky but I think we can pull it off !

Mane they is water falling out the sky !-- That's something we don't see too often !
Morning ofc hope everybody is well. Been real busy at the grind but today is mine. I'm gonna go to the shop and work on my stuff for a change. Yall have a great day. Peace

Giggy if I sent you 2 sets of plates could you do some machine work for me ?
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