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And what about that Grape Crush Umbra? You briefly mentioned it; I need to know more!
I'm having 1 of those busy days as well. I don't remember who it was, but I have a big bag of those seeds, lol. They are white og F2. I'm thinking E.T.

Thanks buddy sure hope they turn out to be something tasty i'm just about to call it a day and go in the house and get super baked I can hear those couch cushions calling me they're saying it's TV time
Spring is here....Have vegetable starts going in the veg closet...so far butter nut &zucchini squash, corn,cabbage..planted lettuce, kale, and spinach in the ground....
Two clones each GDP X BR & BPU X BB...I know I was going to shutdown, but I just couldn't :confused2:
Is this creepy or what? Here comes the Easter Bunny sounds kinda scary now! BTW Umbra, two words-- Grape Crush! Man, does that sound delicious! Having a little Nurse Larry for my wake & bake-- one of the best strains I've had for pain; thank you OFC!

Hey,,i thought that was my Uncle. :smoke1:
Ok Keef, I am getting heat from your politics and I don't need no heat right now. So please, we are all on your side here but this is a pot site. I am a political junky so I get it but please just pm me your rants. I enjoy them.

Lol,,,Keef,,you in trouble again? You go stand in the corner young man. :rofl:
DD and Bud, here is a description from the breeder.

DJ Short Grape Krush is*a very productive hybrid of high quality. This plant exhibits partial to full leaf deformities of the `crinkle` type but with good structure and heavy bud production of large calyxe. The Grape Krush is*a high yield plant. The buds express a strong sharp/fruity odor with a distinct sweet/grape flavour brought out in the cure. DJ Short Grape Krush has*a strong, long-lasting head/body mix and is evident in the finished product. Its cannabis seeds produce an exciting, but not `racy` head, and a mild narcotic body, very euphoric and desirable effects that most seasoned heads prefer.
I'm planning some breeding projects with it.
DD and Bud, here is a description from the breeder.

DJ Short Grape Krush is*a very productive hybrid of high quality. This plant exhibits partial to full leaf deformities of the `crinkle` type but with good structure and heavy bud production of large calyxe. The Grape Krush is*a high yield plant. The buds express a strong sharp/fruity odor with a distinct sweet/grape flavour brought out in the cure. DJ Short Grape Krush has*a strong, long-lasting head/body mix and is evident in the finished product. Its cannabis seeds produce an exciting, but not `racy` head, and a mild narcotic body, very euphoric and desirable effects that most seasoned heads prefer.
I'm planning some breeding projects with it.

Almost sounds like it would be a good cross with the Mendocino purp
Hey NE, how you doing today? hope your friend is ok.

Cane, big fat bummer. I guess i will go get the shot. I hear horrible things about shingles too. I am sorry you got it.

Keef, how you doing?
wh, how you doing?

Umbra i exhibited roses for 20 years but all that teaches you is to look at roses critically..that isn't how it should be. It was fun at first winning trophies and stuff. We got half of ours done today. easy cutting them to the ground.

We have snow mold on our yard this year... a nice man is thatching it and going to aerate next. That is cool, we have never had a yard service. nice that mr rb hired him.

have a good evening you all.
Morning OFC. 12:am here. Thank You Rose, Keef, YD, Kraven and anyone I miss for your warm thoughts. My knee really bother me today. Not looking forward in my sessions for my knee. it's going to hurt like hell. I'm having more pain now than I did after the operation. Kraven wishing you get well soon. I'm getting ready in popping some seeds. Not going to take them out of the frig. until there are ready to pop. I know I am going to pop Keef's Master Kush I think I got that right and Rose's NL and will see what ever is next. You know you get that fever when it come to popping seeds. I got to look at my situation and see how much room I have. Well, I got this movie from NetFlix I'm going to watch. When everyone gets up enjoy, :spit: & :bong2:
Don't ask me no questions --O.K. ?-- It is not what it was !-- I have not looked at it under a microscope ! --It has some characteristics I been looking for !-- Don't Jinx it !-- just let it slide !--Maybe we talk more about it another time !

Keef, you done it again just love that little plant. Clone, is it? Good Day Mr. Keef. :48:
Morning. No coffee or bowl, just a gentle rain and my vegetables are enjoying it....will have to get seven dust back on them after the rain....just armies of caterpillars wandering around now, if I can keep them off the vegies they will die down in about 2 weeks.

I had an army come through one night last year and wipe out 2 tomato plants....stripped them to sticks.....they are not gonna get me again this year, both were heirloom and I hated not getting to enjoy them. So in the garden I have butternut squash, egg plant, tomatoes and yellow bell peppers. Hope everyone has a good day, got a bit more trimming to do today and tomorrow. Peace
morning ness, kraven and giggy. I enjoy a small garden, i just don't have time right now. i did plant two tomato's this year. i am a tomato snob. i almost have to be held at gunpoint to eat a store bought tomato. nasty things
jamming to some Savoy Brown this morning.
Happy fryday. For some of you, happy pine day! Bud, I bet the grape krush would do well with your Mendo. Heavy winds woke me up. Did a mixed bowl for wake n bake. Sun isn't up yet and it might be time for a nap.
Dog i believe tomato's is all i'm planting this year. I really like the old heirloom's i'm looking at four different ones at the moment and some lemon boys as well. If you like lemon get you a couple they are good.
i like to grow okra, squash's, cucumber, tomato, thats about it.
oh yeah, and cannabis! i grow a little of that too
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