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Good afternoon weed everyone. Well the power went out last night for around 4 hours and the greenhouse froze. Just got done chopping and rough trimming the PGG. Lot of airy buds and a lot of shake. Weight wise it won't be very good but I'm hoping for some nice sativa smoke. The 2014 season is done. Here's the last pictures of the year. First one is the 2 pepper plants, that actually had blooms on it, that froze also. I didn't take a picture of the pgg before chopping. It was hanging on the ground. Sad looking thing. Anyway here they are

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Giggy, the only time I got to use some thermite was for the blasting hole at a quarry.
Beemer that sucks !- I just knew U would be the one to get that PPG to finish ! Still U got smoke and it ain't the end of the world !-- U people up north need to plant indica and indica heavy hybrids next year ! It's been a nail biter this fall watching U guys all race the weather ! When Prohibition ends I'm gonna grow me some big a** sativas outside like some old school Thai Stick or Blue Mountain Jamaican and the list goes on ! Still hasn't froze her and may not !-- I coulda rode that PPG till January if it needed it to finish !-- it's just not worth going to jail for -- They's some killer indica hybrids with a fast finish and the right one will give U that sweet trippy sativa head buzz and a laid back indica body buzz -- U got the whole winter to research the variety best suited to U !-- Next year is gonna be a great year with a huge harvest of world class weed for the whole O.F.C. The Oracle has spoken !
I guess what I just said was --when I find a street chemist who can teach me to make synthetic CBDs -- I'd have to cook up me about a quart of that stuff ! Control the pain of a whole city !! Cause once I know how - I can't unlearn it !-- Umbra !-- can U break 1% CBDs with those autos ?

Interestingly enough keef, CBD is "from all I've found", NOT a controlled substance in any way as long as there is no THC in it. Well, I figured I'd just look & guess what? you can buy CBD oil legally over the internet from some legit sources.

Makes a guy wonder about things, in more ways than one. First, if this is so, why isn't it being made available more? Could it be really just because of the financial influence it could have on the MMJ business?
Seems if a person wanted a 50/50 mix of THC & CBD it would be easy.
Maybe I'm just high, but I've considered this more than once.

If I knew someone who wanted to trade say, 25ml of CBD oil for 25ml of cold extract bud oil I'd try that, but I don't.
Dog Gone It Beemer!
I was hoping you would get her finished. Well it looks like she got further along than mine & what the heck, it still smokes & makes good brownies. :)
Mine had a sort of a chocolate hint to it as it was getting dried, but now it's just green smelling.

I'm getting ready to pick up supplies for your canna balm recipe. I'm having a lot of sore joints now with winter here & this looks like just the ticket.
Thanks B
Good afternoon weed everyone. Well the power went out last night for around 4 hours and the greenhouse froze. Just got done chopping and rough trimming the PGG. Lot of airy buds and a lot of shake. Weight wise it won't be very good but I'm hoping for some nice sativa smoke. The 2014 season is done. Here's the last pictures of the year. First one is the 2 pepper plants, that actually had blooms on it, that froze also. I didn't take a picture of the pgg before chopping. It was hanging on the ground. Sad looking thing. Anyway here they are
sorry to hear that beemer, but i hope it's good.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Giggy U it so far this morning ? Mane !- I just love it when U can see the smoke coming out the Gman's ears !! -- So Gman -- if U had a supply of this concentrated CBD solution and some fine weed with a High THC level -- anyway U could like add C.B.D.s to a desired level to the weed ? That would be some fine medicine wouldn't it ? Couple tokes and the pain goes away and U get a fine a** buzz on the side ! Now where can I get this stuff !--
Umbra's in da house !-- I just be pushing the G'Man's buttons this morning Cuz ! Make him focus that brilliant mind !-- I've seen what he can do !-- it would not surprise me one bit if he could synthesis the stuff himself ! Depending on cost I'll use it in e-cig juice and work out the dosage on myself !- Shoot U turned me onto that website that solved the potency and seperation problem ,adding some C.B.D.s to the formula shouldn't be a problem !
C.B.D.s and DMSO in a topic application ?

Good morning weed to all. Keef do you know how you would infuse it into the DMSO? I can get it down at the Grange. Thought about infusing it with Harlequin.
Beemer -- DMSO takes things across the skin and into the blood stream !-- Every compound in the weed would get in the blood stream both good and bad ! Perhaps a very clean BHO but even that could have some bad compounds that could do harm !-- I wouldn't do it but if U must then talk to the G'man ! My advice would be to wait a little longer and let's explore this store bought C.B.D. stuff !-- see how clean it is first ! Might just be what a lot of us need !--
around here they use ammonia nitrate (sodie) and diesel mix. the same stuff they got the federal building in oklahoma city with. you used to could buy sodie, i have by the pallets but not so much anymore.

giggy my dad was from your state. He is the only person ever called it sodie. When ever he planted a garden, he had to have his sodie. A little in every hole with a plant lol thanks for the memories.
giggy my dad was from your state. He is the only person ever called it sodie. When ever he planted a garden, he had to have his sodie. A little in every hole with a plant lol thanks for the memories.
i'm from texas (born in and raised) and while my great grand father was alive he called it sodie. after he passed i never heard it called that till i moved to bama after i got married, then my father inlaw and his brothers called it sodie. my great grand father (born in and raised in texas) called pecans, pee-cans too.
Nope. Didn't bother the Skunk a bit. Green Giant got it, but I think I caught it early enough to kill it. Sprayed the whole plant with H2O2, and I might try Giggy's baking soda trick just for good measure.

They claim Potassium Bicarbonate will kill it permanently. If it keeps coming back after the peroxide and baking soda, I'll hunt some up.

the skunk#1 is a mold resistant strain. I had one Chernobyl that never got it when the other 3 plants in the greenhouse got it. But.

I used everything and got mine to harvest ,except the 4 I ripped up. They were the same 2 strains I got from one source. But they infected most of the rest. except that one .strange.
I would still protect the uninfected ones from the infected ones.

problem is there is a difference between finishing an outdoor grow and making clones. outdoors I had no choice.

umbra uses lactic acid bacteria as a preventative treatment. I am making some next year. some use other treatments as preventive treatment. Better to never get it. I'm trying lots of things to stay away from it.
Knocked a pump plug loose this morning !-- found a box of wilted plants about a hour ago !-- they all standing proud again except 2 and they may come around !-- tight space in the grow room but if I had more room I'd add more boxes ! They paying 36% tax rate on weed in Colorado ? Oh!- Hell No !-- I quess they'll have to give me one of them tickets or fine me !-- be a Hell of a lot cheaper than 36% !
If I can't kill it rather than control it, I'll hack the whole bunch and start fresh. I'm not going to run the risk of passing out infected clones. They claim potassium bicarbonate is the only thing known to actually kill the stuff, so I'll give it a try. Nothing to lose.
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