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what do you spray with? please? Maybe I spray now and use them next week when they come...how bout that. the SNS hasn't touched them..
I got Neem Oil , Several SNS products and something I'm adding to my water that should build systemic resistance !--I know Rose doesn't approve of my Botonacare products because they are not certified organic but they work and it's what I got !--I don't like to use chemicals but I will !

Back to Bugs --Welcome to my world !---In my opinion it is a war that never ends !--They are not going away permanently !--Have to fight them one battle at a time !--
I got Mighty Wash !-- No way I'm telling U about Harpin Protiens (axiom) to build resistance! ----That 's a hanging offense in the land of Ganics !--I Hate mites and Neem Oil! --Dis is why I put D.D. in charge of pest control !!--" Keef Shoots up his Pot Farm and goes to Jail "!--I don't want that to be the headline of the local paper !-- I get angry sometimes !
D.d.'s nicotine spray kills the mites but not the eggs !--Kill every live mite today and tomorrow eggs start hatching !--Have to spray every 2 or three days ! --Why they prefer some varieties over others !--I still got Rosemary growing out back that was in aero to act as a bug deterrent -- Didn't help !
I hate neem, i have used sns, I have used and liked mighty wash..but these guys seem to be different.
I use mighty wash, ultimate wash is similar but a little more effective and more plant friendly. I use the SNS 217, but find it's not always very good. Then I use the more harsh chemicals like forbid or avid. Good luck
This ain't kosher but I tell U anyway !--Vacuum Cleaner !--Stick a limb up inside the vacuum and turn it on !--Suck them beeches off the plant!--See I do anything to fight them !--Vacuum then spray !-- Avid ? -- Isn't that another name for Axiom !--Contains Harpin Protiens? --
Thank you. I think i will nuke them with one of those after I study up on them and then hit them with the beneficial mites.. does that sound good?

Hippie, not the smartest grower you will meet..no i did not isolate them..
So basically im getting that finding Pesticide free weed is not easy. Lol
Hopper they got a better chance up there than down here !--I'm leaning heavy toward a sealed place with a CO2 system like Hippie got except bigger and Jack that CO2 up high enough to kill anything that breathes oxygen ! Bugs love's some weed !--
Well, I'm back in the game. Got Gorilla Glue #4, feminized Jack Herer, Ghost Train Haze #9, and Killing Fields soaking in 50/50 H2O2&H2O. This time tomorrow, they'll be in rock wool cubes under a dome on a matt.

I don't do feminized, but a friend of mine gave 'em to me to germ for him. If they look promising, I'll hack a clone off of one to keep for a mother.

I think the GG#4 will be my outdoor grow this year. From what I read, it'll finish quick enough for Mitten growing.
GG#4 germed great for me and survived the move to aero yesterday !-- I scuffed the sheet out those Clock Work Orange seed before I put them in dirt !--Stuck a few of those Trips -x-T.E. seed in to see if they germ !
A few of these Dawg seed to see if they germ O.K. --

I should have that stuff in 2 weeks or so --Overnight soak and see if anything germs ! -- Trying to find a scientific system to zero in on the precise percentage to cause a polyploid !--I'll start at the recommended percentage and go from there ! -Gotta grow the survivors out before I know what I got !
So basically im getting that finding Pesticide free weed is not easy. Lol
I honestly never gave it a second thought until I moved to Cali. This year at the Emerald Cup a large number of entries failed for pesticides. Back in NJ, I never used them because I didn't need to. Most of the dispensaries out here test their weed so that isn't an issue. But certainly as a grower, you need to be educated.
My first lesson on how to grow weed was --Throw your seed out the back door and don't mow !--Wish it was only that easy !--
Dog U got anything growing --cut a small piece off and put it in the cloner !--If U find out later it's a male U can always throw it out !-- I wish I had a set of clones big enough -I'd sent U a cut or 2 to get U started !--What I been wondering was if someone took a cut off a plant and wrapped something wet around the end and overnight it -- If when that fresh cut got there the next day -Could someone get that cut and stick it in a cloner and root it out or would it be dead when it got there ?
the one i have never tried is using a hot pepper like a ghost pepper and make a spray. i have read it works but making the stuff can be bad on you if you don't make it outside. i know a couple years i used rosemary oil and water mix, it did the job but i sprayed everyday other day till the plants started showing effects from it then backed off for a few. i also sprayed everything else with a 91% rubbing alcohol water mix. floor walls and outside of the pots even even the outside of the box. i got some of them flat sticky mouse/rat traps and put them all over the place, it was war and i was out to win.
man i hate wishing my life away but i wish this day was over. i guess i'll doing ok on my clones as they still look happy so i hope to have roots early next week then to the flower box they go.
Giggy I still got Serrano Peppers growing out back !--Made some bug spray with it and Rosemary and it worked for awhile !--Found a better use for the peppers !--Put them in a jar of vinagar !--Make that clear hot sauce we grew up on !--Do U remember something we called --Chow-Chow ? Chopped green tomatoes peppers and stuff ?
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